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LATINOS FOR HONEST GOVERNMENT THE TRUTH WILL BUILD TRUST, AND TRUST WILL BUILD PEACE AND FREEDOM OUR COUNTRY IS BEING DESTROY FROM WITHIN – WE THE PEOPLE ARE THE ONLY SALVATION OF OUR COUNTRY PLEADGE YOUR UNITY Fellow Americans, from president Regan, Bush 1, Clinton down to Obama; are to blame for creating this corporate monster that control the world economic today, where profit depends on 1- maintaining a low-wage work force- Free Trade and. 2- charging continually higher prices for their products and services .We become economic slaves controlled by Washington handouts, while the world elite of the multinational corporations got rich at the expenses of the American and foreign working class. According to a recent Associated Press report, in 2012 the richest 1% of Americans earned more than 19 % of the countrys household income and the richest 10 % of Americans took home 48.2 % of America’s total earnings. This means the gap between the wealthiest 1% of Americans and the rest of America is the widest its been since 1928, the year before the stock market crashed and sent us into the Great Depression. That is a bad sign, but we have hope, because united we can take our country back. Here is the truth, Ronald Reagan, campaigned on a North American common market with the promise that The U.S be more competitive in the global marketplace. In 1984, Congress passed the Trade and Tariff Act. This is important because it gave the President fast-track authority to negotiate free trade agreements, while only allowing Congress the ability to approve or disapprove the trade agreement. Today we have the WTOs with 154 nation’s members, the (FTAs) with 17 countries (trade.gov/fta/). Since Reagan we have learned that Free Trade is not free. It has cost Americans their jobs. It has cost the middle class its standard of living, and it has cost our children their future economic security. Free Trade agreements have destroyed the American economy and sent the middle class into a death spiral toward poverty, but no one in Washington seems to know how we can build the economy back up again. They just forgot how we got into this mess. Before we can find a solution, we have to consider how we got into this position in the first place, and you don’t have to look any farther than Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and Bill Clinton. Twenty consecutive years of incredibly bad leadership in the White House destroyed the entire economic framework that it took Americans 225 years to build. Reagan pushed for the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (FTA), which he signed in 1988.President George H. W. Bush was NAFTAs original sponsor, signing the deal on December 17, 1992.Clinton made NAFTA the law of the land by signed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which eliminated nearly every trade barrier between the United States, Canada, and Mexico, on December 8, 1993.Reagan, Bush 1, and Clinton push free trade under the propaganda that the fewer impediments to trade there are, the richer everyone would become but in reality what happen is that the richest people got all the wealth generated by free trade and leave the middle class nothing but crumbs and the working class nothing but unemployment and poverty. Today, as a result of the free trade agreements pushed by Reagan, Bush 1, and Bill Clinton, manufacturing jobs have almost disappeared in the United States. They have all migrated from America to China and Third World countries, where workers are paid worthless amount. and toil in horrendous conditions. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_minimum_wages_by_country What’s even worse is that the free trade agreements have destroyed lives, In November 2012, 112 garment workers, mostly women, died after a fire tore through a 9-storey garment factory in Bangladesh, forcing many workers to jump from high windows to escape the smoke and flames. The factory made clothes for international brands sold in Europe and the USA. Now you know, So when you look at the label and see the clothing is made in Bangladesh, China, India, Pakistan, or even Vietnam? You know that the clothing was made in a sweat shop factory, where working conditions were horrible, and the people who made the garment work for pennies a day and struggle to feed their families, while the fat cat executives of the clothing retailers in the good old USA raked in obscene profits. So tell me again - why is free trade a good idea, and how do we undo the colossal mess created by Republicans and Democrats alike? In over 26 year we learn nothing. What experience and history teach us is this – That people and governments never have learned anything from history, or acted on moral principles and that greed for money and power is evil that will destroy our country and good people. If America is going to remain a great country, we have to commit ourselves to rebuild our manufacturing base and bring the jobs home again. We cannot depend in Washington to do it, we have to do it. It’s time to kill the free trade agreements and start rebuilding America’s clothing industry and everything that we manufacture here again. HOW DO WE GET OUT OF THIS TRADE AGREEMENTS? 1- Do not buy any clothing, electronics, toys, bicycles or any items made in foreign countries. (Personal action) 2- Promote and invest in the production of goods made in your state and in America. ( Private initiative) 3- Develop state trade centers for the promotion of goods made in America only ( Private initiative) 4- State tax any product made in foreign countries. (State Government legislation) 5- Promote state and local manufacturing (State and city Government) All we need is leaders like you and me. I believe that everyone is a leader with the courage enough to do what needs to be done to ensure a descent future for our children. Fellow American, seek the truth; do not let the U.S. Media keeping you ignorant of the facts. Take action become an activist for our future, spread the word, go public use the American youth, it is their future that is being destroy, and Contact your local paper and TV station. Use the social media. Facebook, Twitter, and e-mail, they are your best tools to let the people know about the ill trade policies of this United States mandated by Obama and the Washington corrupt Politicians in violation of our God given rights our pursuit of happiness through our labor and being able to provide for our families. IN GOD WE TRUST, ONLY IN GOD, NOT THIS CORRUPT SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT. 1. A Bill Clinton Tragic Legacy NAFTA & WTO: Then Why are ... zimbio/.../433/Bill+Clinton+Tragic+Legacy+NAFTA+WTO+Then Cached A Bill Clinton Tragic Legacy NAFTA & WTO: Then Why are Presidential Candidates Barack Obama and John McCain so Oblivious in Solving Our Economic Ills?By Marc ...
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 23:03:03 +0000

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