03 Jan 2015YOURE NAMED IN GODS WILL (2)The word... which can... - TopicsExpress


03 Jan 2015YOURE NAMED IN GODS WILL (2)The word... which can... give you an inheritance. Acts 20:32Someones last will and testament lets you know what you have inherited. In the Old Testament the benefits were rich, but the conditions proved too restrictive. So God gave us a New Testament. But instead of laws that are virtually impossible to keep, this testament is based on grace: favour you dont deserve, cant earn and dont have to work for because its given freely. And when you discover you are personally named in this testament, reading the Bible becomes a real source of joy. You start asking, Whats in Gods will for me? Whats my rightful inheritance? You realise your salvation, as glorious as it is, is just the starting point. Suddenly the idea of searching the Scriptures, standing on the Scriptures and speaking the Scriptures in every situation no longer feels like a duty, but a delight. When you pray according to Scripture, its like going to the bank of heaven and saying, This cheque is made out to me. Its issued and endorsed by Christ, and Id like to cash it. You have two options: You can live a Christian life and die without ever having accessed your account because you never discovered your inheritance and the benefits of Gods will for you. Or you can pray: Father, Christs last will and testament names me personally. It says that all my needs will be met, my steps will be directed, my sicknesses will be healed, and that I dont have to fear satan because You gave me power over him (Luke 10:19). Now can you see why satan doesnt want you reading your Bible?Bible in a Year: Gen 7-9; Matt 3;
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 06:04:23 +0000

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