03 Safar 1436 Madrasah in Just 5 Minutes In the light of - TopicsExpress


03 Safar 1436 Madrasah in Just 5 Minutes In the light of the Quraan and Ahadeeth (1) Islaamic History Hadhrat Loot (AS) Hadhrat Loot (AS) was the nephew of Hadhrat Ibraheem (AS). He believed in the Nabuwaat of Hadhrat Ibraheem (AS) from the time he was a child and was educated and nurtured by Hadhrat Ibraheem (AS). When they returned from Egypt, Hadhrat Ibraheem (AS) settled in Palestine, while Hadhrat Loot (AS) settled in Sodom (in present day Jordan). The people of Sodom were disobedient people who practised the following three evils: (1) men fulfilled their lust with other men, (2) they robbed travellers and (3) they openly committed sins in their gatherings. Allaah sent Hadhrat Loot (AS) as a Nabi to the people of Sodom. Despite his tireless efforts in trying to convince them to change their ways, they refused to do so and threatened to stone him and expel him from the town. Allaah then sent some angels to inform Hadhrat Loot (AS) of the pending punishment, because of which he left the town late at night together with his followers. Early the next morning, a frightening scream killed the people of the town, after which Hadhrat Jibraeel (AS) lifted the town into the sky and then flung it down with the upside down. Thereafter, a shower of stones rained down upon them. Thus, every one of them perished. (2) Allaah’s power The egg The egg has a fragile shell within which is a little bird. When Allaah decides that the bird emerges, He creates a beak on the little weak bird, which it uses to gradually break through the shell. It then eventually breaks through and starts to run about. Such is Allaah’s power that He creates a running bird from an egg that contains only white and yellow liquid. (3) A Fardh A branch of Imaan Rasulullaah (SAW) said, “Imaan has more than seventy branches, the greatest of which is to say ‘Laa Ilaaha Illallaah’ and the least of which is to remove an obstacle from the road.” [Muslim] It is Fardh (obligatory) to testify to the oneness of Allaah and to believe in it. (4) A Sunnah Reminding a dying person of the Kalimah Rasulullaah (SAW) instructed people to remind the dying person to recite the Kalimah. [Muslim] Reminding the person refers to reciting the Kalimah aloud by the dying person so that he would also recite it. (5) A Nafl Fasting for three days every month Rasulullaah (SAW) said that the equivalent reward of fasting for a year will be received when a person fasts three days every month during the days of Beedh. [Nasaee] The days of Beedh refers to 13th, 14th and 15th of the month. (6) A Sin Refrain from relieving oneself on the road Rasulullaah (SAW) said, “Refrain from the two acts that attract curses.” When the Sahabah (RA) asked what these two acts were, Rasulullaah (SAW) replied, “To relieve oneself on a road and to do so at a place where people take shade.” [Muslim] (7) This World The splendour of this world Rasulullaah (SAW) said, “What I fear most for you is that the world will reveal all her splendour to you.” [Bukhaari] (8) The Aakhirah The scales of justice Allaah says in the Quraan, “On the Day of Qiyaamah, We will erect the scales of justice (to weigh the good and bad actions of people) and no soul will be oppressed (wronged) in the least. Even if a deed (good or bad) is equal to the weight of a mustard seed, We shall bring it (to be weighed on the scales). We suffice as Reckoners (and need no one else for the task)”. [Surah Ambiyaa, verse 47] (9) Cures from the Quraan and Rasulullaah (SAW) The therapeutic benefits of salaah Allaah says in the Quraan, “Seek assistance with sabr and salaah”. [Surah Baqara, verse 45] Allaama Ibn Qayyim رحمه الله writes that salaah has the ability to pull sustenance, to repel laziness, to make the soul happy, to lend energy to the limbs, to feed the soul and to illuminate the heart. The gist is that salaah has the power to safeguard the good health of both body and soul. [Zaadul Maaad] (10) Quraanic Advice Allaah says in the Quraan, “Hold fast to Allaah (rely only on Him and only ask Him for assistance). He is your Protecting Friend. (He is) The Best Protecting Friend and the Best Helper (with Allaah as your Protecting Friend and Helper, you need no one else)”. [Surah Hajj, verse 78] 05 Safar 1436 Madrasah in Just 5 Minutes In the light of the Quraan and Ahadeeth (1) Islaamic History Hadhrat Yusuf (AS) Hadhrat Yusuf (AS) was the son of Hadhrat Ya’qoob (AS), the grandson of Hadhrat Is’haaq (AS) and the great grandson of Hadhrat Ibraheem (AS). He was born in Faddaan Araam in Iraq and then moved with his parents to Palestine. He was one of the twelve sons of Hadhrat Ya’qoob (AS), but only Bin Yaameen was his real brother. The other brothers had a different mother. His half brothers once threw him into a well, from where he was taken to Egypt by a group of travellers from Jordan. There he was sold as a slave to one of the king’s ministers. After living in a palace for a while, he spent approximately 9 years in prison due to the conniving of the minister’s wife. After being released from prison, he ascended to the throne and ruled with justice for approximately 80 years. He later passed away at the age of 110 years. His detailed story is found in the Quraan and full of lessons, wisdom and advices. (2) Allaah’s Power Allaah’s mercy and benevolence upon His creation Allaah is extremely merciful and generous towards His creation and protects them in every way, whether they be on land or at sea. It is through His power that when the severe winter sets in and the danger exists of the waters freezing in some areas, Allaah protects the lives of the creatures in the sea by allowing a layer of ice to float above the water so that the water below does not freeze. As a result, the creatures underwater can live normally. By this power Allaah protects His creation wherever they may be. (3) A Fardh Believing in the divine books Allaah says in the Quraan, “Those (with Taqwa are they) who believe in what has been revealed to you (in the Quraan) and what has been revealed before you (in the Torah, the Injeel and other divine scriptures) and they are convinced about (the reality of) the Aakhirah”. [Surah Baqara, verse 4] This verse tells us that it is Fardh (obligatory) to believe in all the books Allaah has revealed and to regard them all as true. (4) A Sunnah Taking a bath after accepting Islaam When Hadhrat Thumaamah bin Uthaal (RA) accepted Islaam, Rasulullaah (SAW) instructed him to take a bath and to then perform salaah. [Kanzul Ummaal] (5) A Nafl Teaching manners to your children Rasulullaah (SAW) mentioned that to teach some aspect of good manners to your child is better than spending a Saa (approximately 3.5kg) of grain in Sadaqah. [Tirmidhi] (6) A Sin The warning against begging merely to increase one’s wealth Rasulullaah (SAW) said, “The person who begs from people merely to increase his wealth is really begging for a coal of Jahannam. He may therefore beg for more or for less.” [Muslim] (7) This World The punishment for forgetting the Day of Qiyaamah Allaah says in the Quraan, “Verily there shall be a severe punishment for those who deviate from Allaah’s path because they forgot the Day of Reckoning”. [Surah Saad, verse 26] (8) The Aakhirah There shall be no death in Jahannam Allaah says in the Quraan, “(In Jahannam,) They will call out (to the keeper of Jahannam saying,), ‘O Maalik! Your Rabb should settle our matter (allow us to die instead of suffering here eternally).’ He (Maalik) will reply, ‘You people will certainly have to remain (here forever).”. [Surah Zukhruf, verse 77] (9) Cures from the Quraan and Rasulullaah (SAW) Cure for coughs When a person suffers from a cough, he should write the following verse of the Quraan 21 times on black salt: وَشَدَدْنَا مُلْكَهُ وَآتَيْنَاهُ الْحِكْمَةَ وَفَصْلَ الْخِطَابِ washadanaa mulkahu wa aataynaahul hikmata wafas lalkhitaab [Surah Saad, verse 20] (10) Quraanic Advice Allaah says in the Quraan, “Call (people) to the path of your Rabb (Islaam) with wisdom and beautiful counsel (providing encouragement instead of causing resentment) and debate with them (the Kuffaar) in a manner that is best (without driving them further away from Islaam)”. [Surah Nahl, verse 125
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 06:36:01 +0000

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