06-04-2012 For starters Ill say that I do NOT main AD carries, - TopicsExpress


06-04-2012 For starters Ill say that I do NOT main AD carries, nor am I very good with them in general. However, I do main support at around 1800-1900 elo (on my main, -1 o) and I can tell you that from 1500 all the way to 2200 elo (I get some 2200+ when I duo sometimes), I see AD carries make the -SAME- freaking mistakes every game that inevitably ends up getting them killed. So now Ive finally decided to share these secrets with the world. Partly because I wanna see if Im right, and partly because I am SICK AND TIRED of seeing people make these mistakes. I dont care if youre 2100 elo or 1600 elo, if you make these mistakes you obviously havent learned a thing. TIP #1 - NEVER leave your support. PERIOD! At least until 15-20 minutes, or until either your or the enemys tower has been destroyed. Many (perhaps all) AD carries fail to realize why they have a support to begin with - because essentially, AD carries are -WORTHLESS- by themselves. They are just as squishy as supports and have no strong CC of their own (at least early game). Now, when I say dont leave your support, I really mean it. If you spawn on blue side and your support runs up to ward the tri bush, GO WITH THEM. AD carries dont seem to realize that if the enemy notices your support is gone for even a MOMENT, they will act and try to kill you. I cannot even begin to tell you people how many times my AD carry has died while I was SIMPLY WARDING THE TRI BUSH. Tip #2 - RECALL OFTEN OR RECALL WITH YOUR SUPPORT. This, this, 1000x this. People seem to think Health is the only resource which dictates how long he or she can stay out on the map. But in reality, you should be recalling if you are low on health, mana, and WARDS. Not to mention most AD carries, for whatever reason, REALLY seem to like rushing B.F. Sword. Which is fine, if it didnt take them 10 minutes to get it. 10 MINUTES OF STAYING IN YOUR LANE WITH 1/2 HP AND 0 MANA. Some people might say well just tower hug until your support comes back. YOU ARE F-ING WRONG. If your support recalls, 9/10 times the enemy team can simply tower dive you, especially if they have a Blitzcrank or Alistar. Its just too easy, and people still seem to think that their tower actually offers some sort of protection past level 5. You need to wake up. Tip #3 - NEVER, EVER TOWER DIVE. Now, some may call me a noob or, well, a ******, for this rule, but hear me out. Its OKAY to tower dive as long as -YOU- dont have the aggro. And as an AD carry it is your job to kill people. However, IF YOU ARE THE ONE WITH THE TOWER AGGRO, you should never commit to a tower dive. Period. End of discussion. I dont even know why I have to tell people this sometimes, I guess they just forget in the heat of things. Now, before the hate from uneducated noobs, I realize this post is pretty biased from the supports point of view. And Im not going to sit here and argue that supports dont make mistakes - believe me, I feel like **** anytime my carry dies because we got ganked when I have wards sitting in my inventory. And even if your support is recalling while 3 minion waves are reaching your tower simultaneously, you still need to recall with them. Even though you would be forced to miss 3 waves of experience and CS, it is STILL better than dieing. Ask any high elo player or any pro what is the biggest mistake you can make while playing LoL? and I would be willing to bet my left nut they will reply with Dieing. I invite anyone who plays AD carries to attempt to dispute me on this. Because everytime my AD carry dies while Im warding and I say you need to stick with me plz, they inevitably respond with stfu noob. So I would like to see what you have to say while you arent in the middle of a game. Whats your excuse for not following your supports every move? Or for staying in the lane when youre 200g from BF sword when you have 0 wards on the map? Id like to hear it. /end rage Edit: I realize cs is important, and sticking with your support 100% of the time will undoubtedly cost you some CS......but again, losing CS is 100x better than DIEING. Edit 2: Several people have told me its spelled dying, not dieing....but spellchecker says both spellings are fine @.@ idk either way my point remains valid!
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 23:37:06 +0000

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