07-25-2014: I am a Trotskyist more or less in political sympathy - TopicsExpress


07-25-2014: I am a Trotskyist more or less in political sympathy with the International Communist League and Spartacists, but I respect American liberal historian and scholar and Russia expert, Stephen Cohen, because hes been one of the few rational voices speaking on behalf of reason in America, so Im sharing this article which appeared in the liberal American magazine, The Nation (Edited by Cohens wife, Katrina Van Den Heuvel), by him. By the way, it is not now publicly commented on by anybody so far that it is precisely the sorts of things mentioned in this article for which the Kiev, Ukraine, fascists-infested government supported by the bipartisan Washington-D.C. government are responsible that make it clear to me, at least, that, at least from the standpoint of simple morality, these people would have been quite capable of shooting down an airliner filled with civilian passengers, and then publicly blaming it on either Moscow, Putin, Russia, or the East and Southeast Ukraine people currently fighting for a greater share of autonomy within Ukraine (By the way, these people in East and Southeast Ukraine are NOT separatists, and are NOT fighting for separation from Ukraine, or, at least, they were originally not fighting for that till they started being violently assaulted and attacked by the Kiev, Ukraine, authorities of the post-February 22, 2014 coup detat government in Kiev, a government whose coming into being in an anti-constitutional and anti-legal coup was spearheaded by pro-Hitler Nazi fascists of 2 violent right-wing fascist Ukraine extremist groups, Right Sector and Svoboda, and enthusiastically supported by the joint, bipartisan, Demopublican-Republicrat Washington-D.C. gang. The East and Southeast Ukrainian people were at least originally fighting for simply a greater degree of autonomy WITHIN Ukraine, and therefore, it is a lie to call them separatists, which is what Obamas been doing, the joint bipartisan Washington-D.C. right-wing gang have been doing, all American media have been doing, British governmental leaders have been doing, British media have been doing, and everybody in the hip pocket of American imperialism have been doing. I by the way have been sloppy in the past in what I have sometimes written, and so, to those in East and Southeast Ukraine, my apologies for my own occasional mis-use of that phrase, separatists. Stephen Cohen in an interview with Amy Goodman on Democracy Now, which I posted on my Facebook wall or timeline if you go there and scroll down far enough, corrected the mis-use of this word, stipulating these folks had originally been fighting simply for a greater degree of autonomy, not separation from Ukraine, but now the right-wing Kiev violence of the right-wing Kiev government against them, supported by the bipartisan right-wing Demopublican-Republicrat Washington-D.C. government, has driven a lot of these people to a more pro-separationist stance, or some of them. But that is not their fault. Thats the fault of the policy of the U.S. government and the Kiev gang the U.S. government supported. - Allan Greene, 07-21-2014.): 07-21-2014: From The Nation Magazine, by eminent American historian and Russia scholar, Stephen Cohen: The Silence of American Hawks About Kievs Atrocities: thenation/article/180466/silence-american-hawks-about-kievs-atrocities
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 07:37:05 +0000

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