(1) - THERE IS NO UNIVERSAL SINFULNESS .... AND NO UNIVERSAL SALVATION DOCTRINE IN THE BIBLE Sin is an individual thing by a person who chose to sin – (1 John 3:4). Whosoever transgresses the law becomes a sinner - (1 John 3;4). You cannot be called a sinner if you did not transgress the law. Similarly, salvation is an individual thing by a person who chose to accept JESUS as his or her Savior. YOUR salvation as an individual is of uttermost importance to JESUS. There is no such doctrine as universal sinfulness nor universal salvation. (2) - HOW DID THE DOCTRINE OF UNIVERSAL SINFULNESS AND UNIVERSAL SALVATION COME ABOUT TO THE MAINLINE CHURCHES OF TODAY? Those who teach that babies are born sinners, they teach “universal sinfulness.” What does it mean? … They teach that we are all sinful from birth through Adam, which means “universal sinfulness” by everyone whether you like it or not. No choice. (3) - HOW DO THEY TEACH UNIVERSAL SALVATION? Please listen carefully. Because they already believed that we are all sinful from birth, they believed that we need “universal salvation.” HOW? … They believed that when JESUS died at Calvary, He has already forgiven in advance everyone of their past, present, and future sins; and He has given everyone the gift of eternal life then. In other words, they are telling us that Jesus has already forgiven the Pharisees who killed Him at the cross “without their confession and repentance.” … They are telling us that the Pharisees who killed JESUS got the gift of eternal life as the wages for their sins of killing Him; instead of eternal death, as the Bible states – (Ezekiel 18:20; Romans 6:23). This is a teaching of “universal salvation” at Calvary to all who are born sinners. (4) - HERE IS THE CRUCIAL QUESTION? Is this teaching of “universal sinfulness inherited” and “universal salvation” found in the 28 Fundamental Beliefs of the SDA Church? …. Of course! …. Please go and read it for yourself in Belief # 7. .... It is an evil doctrine. Listen friends - (((Mr. Fine N Seru Sauliga and Mr. Ulaiasi Sorowale are correct when they said - the SDA teaches what they are teaching which is in the 28 Fundamental Beliefs of the Church)))). Yes, it is an evil doctrine. If you cannot see it for yourself, then ask me, and I will show you that it is promoted in the Sabbath School lessons also.... I am trying to be as helpful as possible to ensure that you are not deceived anymore. Please do not hate me for telling the truth; and in helping you to see things for yourself in which you may have not been told. May God bless you all.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 17:10:03 +0000

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