1/30/2014 8:13 PM Who spoke these words, Why have you forsaken - TopicsExpress


1/30/2014 8:13 PM Who spoke these words, Why have you forsaken Me? If you said Jesus, prior to his death on the cross, you would be correct. Who was He saying these words to anyway? Was it the people of Jerusalem? Was it to His immediate family? Both His mother and sister were at the base of the cross where he hung. Was it to His disciples, who might very well have been in the crowd that day? It was reported John was there with both of His family members, along with Martha and Mary as well. The answer: Jesus was making this statement to His Father. Why did you forsake Me. I believe He was fully under the impression that He would be saved from the indignity of death at the cross, before He passed into His slumber. Slumber? Yes, it was temporary until afterwards, when He was rescued from the tomb, revived and lived in the area of Jerusalem for approximately 6 years after His death, as has been recorded in the Bible. And led to the invasion by Roman troops 7 years after His death at the cross. I strongly believe they were looking for two key things. Jesus Christ of Nazareth, born of Bethlehem and the Ark of the Covenant. Which to many comprises the Holy Grail which has been the subject of many discussions. Be that as it may, not before Jehovah created a lasting memory and impression on the people of Jerusalem. With great displeasure, at the moment of Jesus death, a great and mighty earthquake rocked the capital city. Only after dark clouds rolled in, and the brightness of the high afternoon sun was completely blotted out by an eclipse of sorts; as was also noted in the Bible. Fable, myth or real; these are points that are reminders to us. When you cross the one who makes the decisions, there are consequences to be paid. And that day, Jerusalem learned a valuable lesson. Being that most people in the region were outside when the earthquake struck; probably saved more than the estimated 7,000 people who died that day. 1 man for 7,000. 1 man with a mission that was thwarted by the evils of other men. 1 man with a design of salvation for mankind, that was rejected by those in his own township as you will. Today, Jerusalem lives very much like Jesus preached over 2,000 years ago. Not like the conditions Jesus found them in at the time of His death. That is noteworthy. However, one thing I have always found fascinating is WHY did Jesus say Why have you forsaken Me? Because I firmly believed He expected the Angels to come rescue Him PRIOR TO DEATH, not afterwards as was Jehovahs design. Jesus said at one time to I believe Pontius Pilate, If so commanded, I could have legions of Angels here at my request ….. (Paraphrased). Or does Jehovah command the Angels instead? I believe the latter is true. The Throne was still in command by the Father and the 24 members of the Council (see book of Revelation), and Jesus had NOT inherited it yet. Because the battle between He and Lucifer was still in play; and would continue to be in play until the final conflict. As an Angel designate, I am commanded to follow the teachings of the Bible so I do not lead people astray from the actual words and meanings within. In that responsibility, it is also incumbent that I explain everything I know (if required) to the best of my knowledge. Once again, so as not to lead others astray. However, my assignment and commands are from the Father, and not the Son. You will NEVER hear me say, Why have you forsaken me. Why you ask? There are many reasons. But the most pointed reason is NO ONE HAS FORSAKEN me from my end. The only people who have dumped on me, have come from your end. And that is OK as well. Because it goes with the assignment, territory and responsibility. I follow the Son, but I work for the Father. Jesus might forsake me, but Jehovah won’t. That I can state with 100% certainty. Because He is ALL ABOUT LOYALTY to those who are loyal to Him. And that is one key reason why Israel still stands strong today. Because they HAVE continued to be loyal, when the rest of us have played around with this contest as though it is just a game. And not taken the seriousness of the real messages that are ALL FOUND WITHIN the books of Scripture. Because everything man needs today, yesterday and in the future were purposely placed between the covers of the Bible. And anyone who does not agree is not paying careful enough attention as they should. All the signs are there. All the prophecys are listed. All the promises are detailed. And the only variable and unknown? Mankind. (What an oxymoron. Kind and man just does not sound like they should be part of the same word.)
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 02:02:10 +0000

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