1: Can anyone recommend a baby/newborn photographer in Sydney who - TopicsExpress


1: Can anyone recommend a baby/newborn photographer in Sydney who is not too expensive? 2: Hey ladies, my names Rhianna & Im currently 25weeks & 3days pregnant with my 1st baby. The biggest change Im struggling with is I had to resign from my work at the early stages of my pregnancy due to severe morning sickness & I hate that i cant contribute financially (as Ive always been dependant.) I would love to hear from anyone whos gone through or is going through this as I feel completely helpless. Whats helped you get through to the end? 3: Did anyone get preeclampsia again after having it from a previous pregnancy? 4: Hi- my 3 week old baby sleeps very well (3-5hour blocks of sleep) however he last 5 nights, he has been awake for 4-5hours where he just wont settle (usually around the 10pm feed). He doesnt cry or scream, just unsettled and cant get him so sleep. Any suggestions on things to try? 5: I have just discovered that my nearly 5 month old has an upper lip tie. He screams and cries when he breastfeeds and I have to wear shields because he could never latch on properly. I give him 2 bottles a day and his upper lip always gets sucked in when hes sucking in the bottle. It must hurt him when he feeds so I would like to get it fixed. I would appreciate any advise from other Mums whos babies had an upper lip tie and if they had it fixed or left it alone. 6: Hi Everyone! My ds is 6 months old and he has dark hair which is getting quite long. Its always sticking up and Ive tried to keep it down but it just sticks up again 5min later. Lol. Anyway i would like to get it trimmed or something but not sure if its going to look bad as its still baby hair and he is so young! Has anyone else got baby hair cut this young for the same reason? Or am I being silly and should just leave it to grow? Thanks for your advice :) 7: I am thinking of swapping from disposable nappies to cloth nappies. Can I please get some advice on them ie do they work as good as disposables, which brands are best, which liners are best, how to clean them & expense. Thank you. 8: I have a 7 week old and a nearly 2 year old and Im finding it hard to get out of the house- pack everything, get the two organised and then before I know it its time for one of them to feed or sleep. Please give me some tips on getting out and about with 2 kids.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 02:43:20 +0000

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