1 Enoch chapter 12 and verse 6 as expounded upon by Chief Apostle - TopicsExpress


1 Enoch chapter 12 and verse 6 as expounded upon by Chief Apostle Eric VonAnderseck: 6: “For their children delight in seeing the murder of their beloved ones. But they shall groan and beg forever over the destruction of their children, and there shall not be peace unto them even forever.” “For their children” the fallen Watchers, their offspring, “they delight in seeing the murder of their beloved ones.” Theyre exercising their God-Code on the weaker gods; The fallen Watchers then produced an offspring, which then received a curse, which now [as we see in this verse] are taking retaliation against the Adamites, which they engaged with. At first society absorbed the giant world, but then the giants began to plunder the increase of the labors of Adam, and the children of man began to abhor the giants. And the giants began to retaliate against them because they began to abhor them. Its just like societies today. The aliens will be manifested within this time frame. . .the aliens. Now, Im not talking about Adamites that are strange to another land, but Im talking about those that are coming from the other dimension, taking on forms of other creatures. Thats why aliens (those which have been manifesting themselves in our dimension), look like different creatures; theyre over different species, and they manifest themselves in that nature. They are going to manifest themselves in this dimension, and Adamites are being prepared to receive them as the governments of the world are working towards that goal; because the angels are going to rule the world (48) during the second 3 1/2 years of the seven year tribulation, as they ruled the world during the times of Noah. This is what Jesus was bringing out—“As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it also be in the days of the Son of man.”32 “Im going to return to the earth that, again is being oppressed by the physical presence of the angels coming into this dimension, dividing up the earth—its minerals, and its populations, and ruling the world—enslaving all mankind. “For their children delight in seeing the murder of their beloved ones.” Thats going to happen again; the murder of Christians and Jews particularly, because theyre going to destroy anything thats going to reveal their true motive and their presence. “But they shall groan and beg forever “ Theyre going to suffer under their own guilt. This is what Enoch is telling them; that “they shall groan and beg forever over the destruction of their children” the fallen Watchers particularly, when they see the death of their children. Because of what they did to the Adamites, (is what) God is going to do to them. 32 Lk 17:26 And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. Thats why God is going to send forth these four angels, which I brought out earlier (Gabriel, Michael, Refel, and Asuryal). Hes going to send them forth to judge them. So, theyre not going to have peace. Their children delight in seeing the murder of their beloved ones, but they do groan and beg forever over the destruction of their [own] children, This is when theyre going to destroy the cities—the cities, which the Watchers built to establish their presence down here. Theyre going to do the same thing during the seven year tribulation. But they shall not have peace; “and there shall not be peace” “Im not going to give them a covenant for peace or faith “unto them forever.” https://etsy/listing/170385570/complete-collection-the-book-of-enoch?
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 17:29:34 +0000

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