1. Has anyone used Karricare Plus Comfort ?? My daughter is 6 - TopicsExpress


1. Has anyone used Karricare Plus Comfort ?? My daughter is 6 weeks old and has been on Karricare Aptamil Gold plus HA since birth but has been struggling to push out her stools. Karricare has suggested trying Karrricare Plus Comfort. Id be interested to hear from others who have used the Comfort product. 2. Could you please post this question for me. Currently my son is is 9 months and still no teeth and I would really like to transition him to chunkier food than purée and or finger food. When I try he gags at if. So is there any suggestions how I can make this more successful. Bearing in mind it must be low sodium and low to zero potassium levels due to PUV disorder. 3. My son is 3 weeks old and was born with a tongue tie which has now been fixed. In the meantime, because he couldnt latch properly I was told to express & bottle feed. He still hasnt got the knack of latching & is having ebm via the bottle 99% of the time. My breasts are so engorged with milk & painful due to the large supply. Between him feeding every 2 hrs & me expressing every 2-3 hrs Im hardly getting any rest day or night & not enjoying this time with him. I am considering taking tablets to stop my milk production & give him formula. I feel torn & guilty because I have such a large supply & because Im told breast is best. Any other Mums in similar situations? 4. Just wondering if anyone can recommend a naturopath on the Gold Coast who specialises in breastfed babies who have intolerances & gut issues. 5. is it ok to paint your finger and toe nails while preganant? or is there a special brand of polish i can buy? 6. Any suggestions on sunscreens & mosquito repellant to use on a 5 month old baby going to Bali soon? We currently use Johnson products on bub with no reactions etc. 7. I have just found out Im pregnant with bub #2. I have a strider plus 4 and already own the infant carrier/ capsule and wondering if the capsule can be placed in the second seat position? 8. Have just been invited to a baby naming/blessing and its on this weekend. It doesnt leave much time to buy a gift. Looking for ideas for what to get at such late notice for a little boy.
Posted on: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 23:12:21 +0000

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