1. I have my first born who is going on 8 weeks old who has been - TopicsExpress


1. I have my first born who is going on 8 weeks old who has been formula fed since she was born due to myself not being physically able to breast feed.. The hospital recommended nestle nan pro gold and we have kept up using it.. However she gets a lot of wind and sometimes struggles to fart! We are thinking this could be something to do with the formula? She doesnt poo everyday sometimes every second day.. Can anyone recommend a good formula , Im open to hear about organic ones aswell . 2. At what age did you stop swaddling your baby and what bedding did you move on to? Also what is your favourite brand of baby sleeping bag? 3. My 9mo wont drink any water with from a bottle or sippy cup and is getting constipated (poos are dry and hard!) She is formula fed and has 4 x 150ml bottles a day but does not finish all of them. Any tips on how to get her to drink water? Is there any juice that I can add to water to get her to drink? 4. Can any one recommend a paediatric neurologist in Perth please? 5. I was just wondering if anyone believes that while babies are teething they get diarrhoea or is it just a myth? 6. My 5mth old likes to go to bed too early. He tries to turn his afternoon sleep into his night time sleep. I usually have to wake him at 7pm for his 5th feed when he should actually be going to bed then. Its a routine he has created and I dont know how to break it. If I wake him earlier, he is tired and wants to go back to bed. I need to fix this because we start solids soon. What do I do? What is your routine? 7. Im just wondering how everyone goes about cleaning milk vomit marks off their carpet? We have brown carpet and I can see little white splodges everywhere! Preferably the most chemical free the better. 8. My lo wouldnt latch (long story) so I decided to express and bottle feed with a top up of formula once a day if needed. Weve been doing this for 2 weeks with no problems. For the last 3 days when I give my lo the breast milk after about 70ml he fusses and stops drinking. I burp him and try to persist but he just doesnt want it. If I give him formula he seems to drink the full 120mls no problems. He is 9 weeks old. Has anybody else experienced this? What are your thoughts?
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 03:00:39 +0000

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