1. Im an FTM and just wondering two things from experienced mums- - TopicsExpress


1. Im an FTM and just wondering two things from experienced mums- what is the best bottle brand for switching between breast and bottle? Will be expressed milk but sometimes daddy will be feeding bub & what is the best kind of baby carrier for newborn and upwards? Id like to be able to wear bub so i have both hands free when I need them 2. I am looking for a travel bottle warmer that plugs into a cigarette lighter in a car, I am wondering what the best one is and where to buy one from? 3. Can anyone recommend a wash and after bath moisturiser for very dry skin for my 3 month old. 4. I have a one year old and due for number 2 in 12 weeks- looking at buying the bugaboo donkey we currently have the chameleon and we love it just wanted to know from those who have it is it worth getting another pram for the two especially being so close together and also does it got through check outs etc? 5. I am in the process of transitioning my 6mo from his Love to Dream swaddle to a sleeping bag, as hes starting to roll with the swaddle on... Any suggestions as to what brand sleeping bag is best? 6. My boy doesnt like having his arms wrapped up but always ends up with his arms through the bars of his bassinet/cot. He then wakes up because he hits his arms when he moves. Does anyone have a solution for this that is safe (ie, not using a bumper) and doesnt involve wrapping his arms? 7. I am running the City2Surf next weekend and will be leaving my 5 month old EBF bub with my mum for the day. I have expressed enough milk for his feeds that day so he is fine but I wont be able to express.... Im thinking that my boobs wont feel too uncomfortable because Ill be somewhat dehydrated from the run but wondering what affect, if any, this might have on my milk supply.... is one day off feeding enough to affect my supply moving forward? Anyone had any experience with this?
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 03:07:14 +0000

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