1. Jesus Heals because of Compassion Jesus heals because of - TopicsExpress


1. Jesus Heals because of Compassion Jesus heals because of compassion so great for suffering humanity that it sent Him to the Cross, reconciling man to God, body and soul. Jesus possesses compassion for you that is beyond the imagination; He will heal all who come to Him in faith, believing the promises of healing found in the Word of God just as He healed those who came to Him when He was here on Earth in bodily form. We read in the Bible how the sight of a man suffering with the horrible disease, leprosy, affected Jesus. And Jesus, MOVED WITH COMPASSION, put forth his hand, and touched him, and saith unto him…be thou clean (Mark 1:41). When the leper knelt before Christ, seeking to be whole, Christ healed him. No longer an outcast, no longer a leper, the man was free to come and go as he pleased without first crying out the warning, “Unclean! Unclean!” He had met the compassion of the Master. Jesus has that same compassion for suffering humanity today, for the Bible tells us that Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. When He sees those of you who are afflicted and tormented, He is moved with compassion and will heal you if you look to Him, doubting nothing. He is ready to deliver you, ready to set you free. If you have an afflicted child, know that Jesus loves that child more than you do; and He is moved with compassion. He wants to heal that child; His compassion has not changed. Jesus will never fail those who put their whole trust in Him. We find in Matthew 14:14, And Jesus…saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick. The multitudes came to Jesus with their sick and afflicted. It was a pathetic picture that Jesus saw—one that moved Him with great love—and He made them whole. Jesus helped create you; He cares for you, and He is moved with compassion by the feeling of your infirmity. With that compassion He sets those free who will believe in Him. We read in Matthew 20:31,34 that two blind men cried out to Jesus, Have mercy on us, O Lord, thou son of David…So Jesus had compassion on them, and touched their eyes: and immediately their eyes received sight. Jesus loves to give sight; He wants the blind to see today just as much as He did when He walked the earth—how marvelous He is! If you really want to fall in love with Jesus, study His life in the Word of God; learn what magnificent kindness He showed to those who were of an honest heart. Study His love, every movement of Him. Never man spake like this man, people said about Him (John 7:46). Weigh every word of His carefully; hold to it, love it and think how precious and wonderful those words are. He is great, indeed! Because He was moved with compassion, He sent forth the twelve and the seventy with His gifts, with His power to heal and deliver those in bondage. Today He still sends believers to carry His Word and His love to the people. Jesus has not changed. 2. Jesus Heals because Healing Is the Children’s Bread Let the children first be filled: for it is not meet to take the children’s bread, and to cast it unto the dogs (Mark 7:27). This seems at first to be a severe rebuke by Jesus to a Syrophenician woman who had come to the Master on behalf of her devil–possessed daughter. The woman fell at the feet of Jesus, begging for a crumb. Yes, Lord: yet the dogs under the table eat of the children’s crumbs, she said. And he said unto her, For this saying go thy way; the devil is gone out of thy daughter. And when she was come to her house, she found the devil gone out, and her daughter laid upon the bed (verse 28–30). Realizing she was not one of the chosen Jews, the woman humbled herself and used her faith. Jesus responded with His great love to that faith, saying that her daughter was healed. A whole loaf was what the Syrophenician woman took home, and a whole loaf is offered to you today. The children’s bread is on the table; our heavenly Father always has bread on His table—healing—for us to reach out and take in faith every day, every meal. Healing is the children’s bread. The Lord heals, delivers and sets the captives free. Jesus healed when He was here because healing was the children’s bread then just as it is our bread today. 3. Christ Heals to Fulfill the Prophecy of Healing in the Atonement Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and WITH HIS STRIPES WE ARE HEALED (Isaiah 53:4,5). Just as salvation for the soul is in the atonement, healing for the body is also found in the atonement. The atonement includes healing for soul, mind and body. Because of the stripes Jesus took from the Roman soldier’s lash you can have physical healing. The historian Josephus tells us the effects of the lash were so severe that birds came to eat the pieces of flesh cut from the body. Think of the horror that Heaven must have gone through at the agony of our Lord on that dark day; then think how grieved the Father must be today as men look upon that scene with indifference, with failure to claim all that was provided for them: healing for soul, mind and body. The cost for our deliverance was greater than the mind can comprehend; but because Jesus paid that price, the devil is defeated. Jesus will heal you if only you will accept His sacrifice, nothing doubting. In Matthew 8:16,17 we read, he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick: That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses. It was prophesied that Jesus would heal, and He came to fulfill those prophecies. That same Christ is healing today; those prophecies are still being fulfilled. Just as you accept the prophecies concerning your deliverance from sin, accept the prophecies concerning your healing. Why believe only half of the atonement on the Cross? Why believe it is the will of God for you to be sick when that teaching so clearly is against the Word of God? 4. Christ Heals to Reveal His Father’s Glory And HE HEALED them: Insomuch that the multitude wondered, when they saw the dumb to speak, the maimed to be whole, the lame to walk, and the blind to see: and THEY GLORIFIED THE GOD OF ISRAEL (Matthew 15:30,31). Jesus healed to glorify the Father; in fact, everything Jesus did glorified the Father. Continually, Jesus talked about His Father. “My Father sent me…My Father is wonderful…My Father…My Father…My Father….” After Jesus ascended to Heaven the Holy Ghost came in His place; just as Jesus glorified the Father, the Holy Ghost is here to glorify Jesus. The Holy Ghost constantly praises Jesus, telling how wonderful, great and good He is. Jesus and the Father are one; and as Jesus heals today through the power of the Holy Ghost, Jesus must have the glory, the honor and the praise for the wonderful works He is doing. The more you look to Jesus, the more He can move for you. Again and again as I am praying for people in my services, I sanctify the Lord. He is the healer. If you praise the Lord and realize healing is His work and that man has nothing to do with it, then His hands are free to heal you. Jesus must be held up so that He can draw people unto Him. We must decrease so that He can increase in us. Jesus the great, the mighty, the wonderful One, the One with all power came to set you free. With hands of love He reaches out to deliver, to liberate you, to lift you up as the Holy Spirit brings you into the presence of the Lord. God wants to reveal His glory today. If there ever were a time when people needed to see the glory of the Lord, it is now. Our God is mighty and great; no power can stand before the Lord. He is the healer; He is the great One and through Him all things are possible. As God shows His great glory by performing miracles, souls will be brought to the Lord. In the Early Church many came to God when they saw just one crippled man healed—and thousands come to God as they see His miracles today. Glorify the Lord as people see His reality. 5. Jesus Healed to Prove His Mission People still need that proof. There are many who do not believe Jesus to be the divine Son of God born of a virgin. If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not. But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him (John 10:37,38). Believe in Christ for the works’ sake; it is dangerous to see the works of God and believe them not. Jesus is saying to the doubters that they may not believe Him to be the Son of God just by looking at Him, but when they see the great miracles performed through Him they should believe because those are things only divinity can perform. These works of God are gifts to man, extra blessings. Jesus is showing us the works of God through the Atonement, through His love. God sent His Son to bring deliverance to a lost and dying world, and His miracles and healing prove it out. If man would only believe God and accept His greatness and mighty power, then he would know the thrill of living under the miracle hand of God. However, just as people in Jesus’ day saw His works and wouldn’t believe, many in this last and final hour see the mighty moving of His hand in action and will not believe. When hearing of miracles or seeing them take place, they either reject God’s power or else put it in storage so they will not be affected. Fortunate are the ones who believe the hand of God when they see it! Since there are false prophets in the land, check out information you hear with the Word of God. I cannot emphasize enough that the works Jesus did when He walked the earth, He is doing today. God will not force you to believe. If you want to doubt, He will allow it; but His healing for soul, mind and body is offered everyone who will believe God. It is free; it cannot be bought with money. The Lord does love you; He does care. Jesus is the divine Son of God who came to liberate us from sin and sickness. The Son of righteousness with healing in His wings came to redeem everything that was lost at the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve knew no sickness or disease until they sold out to the devil, and man has known sickness and disease ever since; but through Jesus we can be liberated. Jesus the divine One, the One with all power—very God—is living and dwelling among us. 6. Christ Heals to Fulfill the Bible Type The Israelites disobeyed God and fiery serpents were sent among them. Bitten by the serpents, many Israelites died. Then, realizing they had sinned against the Lord, they came to Moses. And the Lord said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live (Numbers 21:8). And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up; That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life (John 3:14,15). Here we find the serpent of brass used as a type and a shadow of Jesus our Savior. Those who looked upon the serpent on a pole in Moses’ day were healed, and those who believe and look upon Jesus on the Cross today are healed. Although some reject a serpent as being a type of Jesus, the Bible clearly makes the connection. Christ was cursed by evil men just as one would curse a snake. He was treated worse than a snake; snakes are killed outright, but Jesus was tortured before He was slain. Jesus became cursed, for the Bible says cursed are those who hang on a tree. Jesus took on the curse of sin, the curse of sickness; He took on the whole curse to bring about the whole cure for you and me. And it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he LOOKETH upon it [the serpent of brass], shall live. The word “looketh” means to look and to continue to look. Those who fail to receive the cure when they look upon Jesus have not continued to look; their faith wavered. The Bible says that if your faith wavers you need not expect to receive from the Lord. Anchor your faith in the Word of God. Keep it strong and undiluted by other influences. Believe it today; believe it tomorrow. Never make the mistake of going by your feelings. Go, rather, by faith in the Word of God. After you became saved you may not have “felt” saved every day, but if you had not sinned you were. And after you received healing you may not have “felt” healed every day; but, so long as you claimed the promises of healing in the Word, healing was there. Look to the Cross, and continue to look. Let the Lord fulfill in your life all that He came to do. What was that?—to bring health for soul, mind and body through the Atonement, Christ’s death on the Cross. In Moses’ day people were healed through just a type, not the real thing. How much more we today can receive healing through the real thing, Jesus Christ! Don’t make the simplicity of a miracle hard to receive. Through faith your healing is complete; through believing that God will do exactly what He has promised regardless of your feelings you will receive your miracle. Accept your healing and then close your case for victory. People were set free in the Old Testament through types of Jesus, but now the real thing has come. Just as the scarlet thread that Rahab hung down from her walls saved her household, the scarlet thread of Jesus’ blood spilled on the Cross saves today all who will come to Jesus. Jesus, the Great Physician went everywhere healing the sick. 7. Christ Healed to Destroy the Works of the Devil God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil (Acts 10:38). Almost every time we look in on Jesus in the New Testament He was healing someone, on His way to heal someone or coming back from healing, destroying the ravages of disease brought about by the devil. Again and again through physical healing souls are brought to God. So many times in my services people, after seeing the miracle hand of God in action, have walked up to me saying, “I want to find God.” In the Bible Jesus healed a blind man who didn’t even know who Jesus was. Jesus healed sinners and then told them to go and sin no more lest a worse thing come upon them. God does many things man teaches He won’t. God will do anything wonderful, great and good. He is reaching to sinners to bless them, to destroy the works of the devil in their souls and in their bodies; and He is reaching to believers to liberate their minds and bodies. Jesus came to show the wonderful works of the Father, works that defeated the devil in every way. Through the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross He cast down the authority of Lucifer, and He gave man the ability to keep Lucifer cast down. Jesus healed all manner of sicknesses and diseases but not all manner of people. Jesus could not heal those who rejected Him; but He can heal all who believe in Him, nothing doubting. Physical healing is mentioned more in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John than any other doctrine. It’s mentioned more than Heaven, more than hell. It’s mentioned more than regeneration or sanctification, more than the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Why?—because of these seven reasons: The compassion of Jesus Healing is the children’s bread The fulfillment of prophecy The revelation of the Father’s glory The proving of Christ’s mission The fulfillment of Bible types The destruction of the works of the devil Accept His power in your life. Accept the Word of the Living God. Free His hands to move for you and bring you complete deliverance for soul, mind and body.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 13:53:46 +0000

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