1. Know Your Values Values are things in life that are - TopicsExpress


1. Know Your Values Values are things in life that are important for you to live your life by. An example of values can be trust, adventure, family, playfulness, punctuality, togetherness, loyalty and the like. By knowing your values, you will be in a more informed position to decide whether a prospective partner is right for you or not. Ask yourself: Is this person aligned with my values? If this person’s values are different to mine are they able to work with me in relation to what I value? By the same token, ask yourself: Are my values values different to his? Am I able to work with them in relation to what they value? Are we both able to compromise successfully in relation to values? If the answer is no, you will know that this relationship may not be best for the long term. 2. Love & Respect Yourself The calibre of men you attract may be vastly different to what you’ve known before. If you love and respect the person that you are, you will be focused and searching for a person that loves and respects you in return. We attract through the energy we emit from our beliefs, thoughts, feelings and actions what we ‘put out there’. Emit an energy of unworthiness, undeserving or unlovable and you will be on the frequency to attract same. Loving and respecting yourself will refine your choices from ‘anything goes’ to ‘what I deserve and who makes my heart sing’. Anyone else will be filtered out of your focus, time or attention. 3. Be Happy In Your Now A partner should enhance your life, not complete it. Choose to be grateful, happy and content with what you have right now. If that is difficult for you to do, look at life from a global perspective and start counting what indeed you do have, over and above what indeed a large percentage of the world don’t have. When you are in this place of gratitude, a feeling of satisfaction and abundance will appear. When you are satisfied with your level of abundance, you do not constantly focus on what you lack or what you may need, in fact the opposite happens – you draw more of the good stuff to you. Therefore, anyone prospective partner who comes along will not be a missing key ingredient in the cupcake that is your life, more an added bonus; a dusting of icing sugar, a cherry on top, the lit sparkler. 4. Do You Need or Do You Desire? Based on your answer you’ll attract a different type of person. Neediness may emit an energy of desperation. Desperation opens you up to looking at all possible partners with a blinking THE ONE sign, filtering out anything that says otherwise that they are not the best possible relationship prospect for you. ‘Available’ is interpreted as ‘right’, regardless of what presents itself that shows otherwise. Desire is a state that comes from your heart space, the language of the soul indicating a yearning for what heightens its energy. It will expect quality and a match to its expression. 5. Utilise the Law of Attraction Think about the type of person you wish to attract. In your mind’s eye does that person love you? Does that person respect you? Does that person think you are worthy and deserving of all that is good? Now think about your own beliefs and self-chatter. Does that reflect someone who loves and respects themselves, someone who thinks they are worthy and deserving of all that is good? The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like, therefore are you choosing to be the type of person you wish to draw into your life? Your life and relationships will always mirror who you choose to be, what you choose to think, how you choose to feel. 6. Manifest With Writing I did this personally two months before I met THE ONE. I wrote a page long description of the type of partner I wanted to draw to me. I did this without judgment of self and without fear or limitations. I wrote about the characteristics I wished him to embody, about the values that I wanted him to have. I in effect wrote down a person that I knew would be in alignment, a match with who I was, what I valued and how I liked to live my life. And it worked. My now husband is pretty much 95% of the description that I wrote over two years ago. Magical? Not really. You don’t go to a restaurant and order from a menu asking for simply ‘food’, you are specific with the type of meal, how you wished it to be cooked and what you want on the side, and that is generally what is delivered to you. And it’s the same principle when working with Universal energy and relationships. You don’t want the Universe to provide you with ‘any old partner’ so get specific – it works! 7. Trust That Spirit Has Your Back How many of you regularly work with your very own team of spiritual assistants? If not, for what reason? They’re there, they will accept gratitude and love as payment, they know how to get the job done and they have resources far beyond the limits of your own imagination. They’re ready, willing and able to assist you but will only do so with your permission as you are a being of free will. Your team in spirit hears you; trust yourself enough to ask, love yourself enough to listen to their guidance. Trust in their process, knowing that they see the big picture whilst you’re immersed in the detail. Allow divine guidance and timing to flow its natural course according to your soul’s highest good when drawing the best possible partner to you. © Coach Bobbi #womenwhowantmore #coachbobbi
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 03:00:00 +0000

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