1. My baby has just turned 4 months. Hes currently going through - TopicsExpress


1. My baby has just turned 4 months. Hes currently going through wonder week leap 4/4 month sleep regression. Just wondering when/did other bubs recover from this?DS is sleeping ok now at night (did have some rough nights though). But from taking 1.5-2 hour naps, he now only sleeps one cycle (30-45 mins). I try to resettle which use to work but not so much now. And also sometimes refuses naps, especially the afternoon or evenings one! TIA 2. I am 6 weeks pregnant with my first baby Im and having horrible dizzy spells and feeling very faint constantly day and night. I saw my gp today and he said its very normal but my blood pressure was perfect. It is mostly when I get up from sitting or laying down. Did this happen with anybody else and what did you do to get through it? 3. hey just after some tips how do u deal with over supply of breast milk my lil one is finding it hard to drink as milk flows to fast and sometimes he chockes im expressing 80+mil off each breast when they start leaking usually straight after a feed just wondering how to not have to express as i know its only stimulating more but if i dont my boob will leak/sprau continiously until next feed and my poor lil bubba boy can barly attach as milk goes all over him and flows to fast??? 4. I am currently 36w3d with my third baby, I found out today that baby is breech. I have an ultrasound booked for next week to check on this and my placenta position. I was wanting to know if anyone else has had this happen and baby has turned back to head down and stayed down or turned back to breech or did bubs stay breech ?! I know I will do whatever I have to for a healthy baby but the thought of a c section terrifies me !!! 5. Im 13 weeks pregnant with my second child. My first is 10 months old and still feeding 4 times a day. Lately she has bitten me when she has fallen asleep on my breast. At times the pain is excruciating as she has 6 teeth. I have been using lanisoh and squeezing breast milk on my nipple twice a day. Bubs wont drink from a nipple shield now either. Does anyone know of any other creams etc that have worked for them? 6. Hi, Im due to have baby number 2 in 10 days and DH and I can only only agree on 1 name. My only issue is his initials would be LSD. DH doesnt see an issue what are other peoples thoughts?? 7. My daughter has always been a fantastic baby, eating and sleeping beautifully. Shes now 9months old and has decided she wont eat anything that she cant feed herself which means no purées, mashed, etc. Im okay if this is what shes moved onto but how do I ensure she is getting enough food and also some ideas on finger food would be great. Thanks. 8. 5 month old DD settles well at the start of each sleep during the day but generally only for 45 minutes. Occasionally when she wakes I can resettle her, and on other occasions she will sleep 1.5-2hrs. At night though it is hourly. She wakes hourly and will not resettle unless fed to sleep-which due to my exhaustion with 3 under 3 usually means I fall asleep and have a disturbed restless sleep I believe our issue is hunger (and if you are into it our chiro did some NET on her and said there are no emotional issues as to why she wont sleep). She is exclusively breastfed and while I have certainly considered supplementing with either expressed milk or formula she will not take a bottle unless starving (like Im out at a wedding all night and she has no option left but to starve or take the bottle). She feeds hourly overnight so during the day has no interest in it-THAT is the problem. I try and try to fill her up during the day but she just gets that let down and then pulls off leaving me spraying all over the place-my couch cushion alone has coped a litre of spraying boob milk!!!! I try to feed her in a dark/quiet room, I try to get her as she is waking so she is still drowsy but it seems to not make a difference. It is not my supply-I can pump 120mls out of each boob in 10 minutes. How do I break the cycle??? Thoughts?
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 11:29:54 +0000

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