1) My first and foremost platform revolves around an acrostic - TopicsExpress


1) My first and foremost platform revolves around an acrostic LLAF. Life! Love! Acceptance! Forgiveness! Life is a truth. It is an origin. It is a gift. Procreation is a gift. Conception is a gift of life. It is in the cycles of creation that truth is proven. The dignity of life, the joy of life, and pursuit of life is worth the living. I believe men and women are distinct by a perfected design. I believe that choices are a gift that came with creation. You may choose anything you like in this life you live; you just cannot choose the consequences of your choices. An unborn baby has no better advocate then its mother and father. No greater lie exists than an unborn baby is not an individual life. Although protected within a masterful matrix and a life sharing umbilical cord, it is distinct and individual. Life is about respect; respecting it in its individualism; its culture; its distinctiveness. To disrespect life is a need for cure. This is an inalienable right of our 1st Amendment. To disrespect the first is the requirement of the second. This is not rage. This is not fear. This is respect for the disrespectful. This is concern for the innocent. This is the right of individualism. The only fear of the 2nd Amendment is from those who would choose to eliminate the 1st. This brings us to love. We have an obligation to love our neighbor. In this simple truth, we establish civilization. It is the obligation of humanity to instill it. It was grace that displayed it. Acceptance is our understanding that all people were created equal. In this equality we stand for each other. To provide the vital needs of existence without greed as our gain or control or manipulation, it is the function of community. It is community that built this nation. Village by village. It is in our differences that make us unique. Not to divide us, but to recognize that we have a commonality that can unite us. The power of forgiveness dissolves hate, rage, jealousy, and prejudice. People make mistakes…let the sinless throw the first stone. 2) Fiscal accountability: there needs to be easy access to the public from all sources; state tax and federal revenue, along with a flow chart of expenditures. Even though this exists in some forms it needs to be user friendly collective information and a transparency of campaign funding tracked to issues for legislation is a must. Congress and the collective elected have become detached from the masses. Many, long to make six-figure income a reality. This is a rare opportunity today, even with a master’s degree, in fact many doctors struggle for the same. This is typically the thought of $100,000 per year. When our elected officials are entertaining at $400,000 to $800,000, and take multiple vacations a year at multiple million dollar expenses, they live on our planet, but no longer in our world. When we discover that many live in selective communities of 7 and 8 figure income, the choices , options, and mentality become disconnected from the mundane struggles of the Americans that carry 80% of the tax basis…We the people! When we tie this to debt obligations of the Senate that had their seat bought for them, our votes become squelched by the process of lobbyist that remind them daily who paid for the ride and lunch! I do not completely agree that term limits will resolve our policy making problems, as much as, changing the FEC guidelines for campaigning, and engaging in freezes at minimum and total income review at the most. The existing retirement packages for Senators are disrespectful to the American people in comparison to the obvious struggles about to be exposed. Tax funding of immorality and the creation of laws in favor of weaken our constitution. Reallocation of existing tax dollars and elimination of wasteful spending will gain trust of its citizens. 3) Restore a thriving economy in Michigan: first of all is the introduction of new business opportunities. We use the assets of this states empty real estate tax foreclosure , natural resources and controlled land use management without creating new zoning or attacking, eliminating, or minimizing existing ecological guidelines. These new revenues come with the creation of a new twelve month extreme sports arena keenly located for access to full seasonal outdoor and indoor sports in a world class setting, complete with stadium, shopping, hotels, and permanent residence. We create mini-centers of its kind throughout the state. We also create, “Keeping up with the Jones” Centers… year round trade centers for home improvement companies. These are like home and garden showrooms for locale contractors to display their talents. This vision also includes Inner-city Hydroponic gardening centers and farming facilities for a broad range of organic crop and industry. Waste reclamation centers and a new filtered incineration program to control not only waste from within Michigan, but the Canadian flow as well. This economic revival is also directly integrated with Community Blight Resolve, Veteran Transitional Opportunities, Physical and Mentally Challenged Career Development, Prison Rehabilitation, and Foreign Job Recovery and Balance of Trade Realignment. This makes Michigan competitive in a global market place to keep jobs here. A thriving economy restores community blight: curb appeal effects attitudes. We establish a community block incentive program to utilize, revitalize, and restore safety and dignity to every community. I call this Advanced Habitat for Humanity. Eliminating income tax to U.S. citizens should be the ultimate goal of a thriving economy. Replacing these with a federal and state sales tax would be fair and equitable. It also would eliminate major federal expenses in maintaining an IRS. These taxes could be paid by bank deposit and transition to a collection and accountability center located at our state capital and Washington, D.C. Encourage charities within our communities. They thrive where government fails! This also will inspire economy. Reducing taxation encourages creativity and starts with taking the chains off. 4) Stop human trafficking: We need better education and training of identifying the risk its causes and resolve of human trafficking. 5) The 14th Amendment: clearly defines the roll of parents. I abhor abuse of any kind. Parental questioning and decision making is the right of the parent. In regard to medical treatment, education, and socialization, these are the rights of parents also guaranteed in the 1st Amendment. You may question the upbringing of a child, but this does not require a CPS home investigation. Obvious abuse, yes. But to question cultural differences is an attack on our constitution. Cultural differences are to be respected, outside of harmful physical attack. Discipline is not abuse. Not to discipline is abuse. Immorality, irresponsibility, and aggressive abuse are reasonable cause for concern, but this should go before an ethics committee composed of great diversity for review. Grandparents should maintain some rights through the divorce and separation processes. The jealousy, hurt, and scars of divorce should not extend to the affliction of grandparents. These circumstances need to be defined and parental accountability should be established. Maybe these could be defined in custody guidelines and enforced through fiduciary responsibilities. Contribution to taxes does not equate to generational naturalization. Noncitizens are just that. Although protected by the ethics and kindness of opportunity in America, noncitizens have a cultural maturation. Noncitizens should be required sponsorship to be considered for an extended visa, or green card opportunity. Personally, I believe five years is adequate for citizenship, instead of seven, but no benefits in the current welfare system should be paid. This may be the land of opportunity, but not the land of a free ride. Voluntary contributions through socialization and charitable activity would be a more generous gesture and create accountability. Student visas from known terrorist affiliated countries should be stopped. Elimination of Homeland Security can be reallocated to Border Control. Creating the transparency of expenditures and accountability will present goodwill to its citizens and minimize the internal threat of usurpation. 6) Education: we need to define a percentage of lottery funding directly into education, not a maybe left-over. Reduce class size without loss of income to the teachers. We do this by creating private and for profit business opportunities that will inspire the next generation. Train in the multi facets of production, distribution, management, and human resources on a per piece price basis that will return foreign job loss back to American citizens. Restore the teaching of ethics and restore the curriculum that this country has had since inception. In any religious thought or no religious thought that teaching their children not to kill, steal, lie, take advantage, bully, or threaten someone else are acceptable under any belief system. To teach these principles of citizenship in the elementary may create no need for police in the intermediate. These for profit opportunities work for returning veterans, DAV, mentally and physically challenged, and prison rehabilitation, as well. Stop “Core Curriculum”. Stop the rewrite of history. Encourage individualized training and skilled trade. These can all work with the contribution of labor union talents and corporate involvement. It takes a village to raise a child. Minimize the influences and control from the Department of Education on the local school district and continue to share programs and influences that are already working with proven success rates. Normal is a perspective and situational at best. To create the stresses of standardization, squelches free innovative thought and discourages the talents of those that may be more expressive in other areas of their concerns and desire. To inspire a child to learn, will far exceed the limits of standardization of education. The best investment anyone can make besides in their self is the investment of education. Many communities have won the victory to their student population through no additional cost collegiate programs and even four year bachelor programs through community efforts and involvement. Higher education can one day be fully funded on the interest accumulations of profitability, rather than communistic and over governmentalized and institutionalized training of today’s thought for the masses. Invest in the next generation. In six years we may not be able to address the immediate, but we can implement to a generation for education, motivation, innovation, and a diaspora of free breeding enterprise. If every child was taught the Rule of 72 and how to implement into a life plan, time would be valued, identified, and offer strategic changes to the coming generations. Inspire creativity…ideas start with dreaming, dreaming starts with inspiration, inspiration spawns in freedom, freedom is the Pandora to tomorrow. 7) Restore dignity to the seniors: just under, twenty thousand a day for the next twenty years turn sixty-five years old. The plan will no longer be to get to 65. The new vision will be to get to 95. All this can be imposed thru education and accommodations and cost analysis that seniors will need to understand in this coming future. We will expose the truths needed to address this coming age. That IRA and 401k and the traditional pension programs will not be enough. This burden of education and implementation may rely on those that are 25 to 45 today. Education in the rule of 72 and understanding how to implement it will expose that expenses escalate, taxation robs our future and penalizes our efforts, and that life targeting is not to be scurried or haphazard. Many seniors would volunteer their stories and time to schools to help unburden their sense of expiration and uselessness. This would also preserve information, culture, and experience to another generation. Preparing the next generation is educating the next generation of savings and spending principles from the “rainy day” people. 8) Influence Healthcare…coercion is the squelching of genuine care… preventative care and catastrophic are the concerns of most Americans, although affordability and appetite generally aren’t served on the same menu. The National Healthcare Act is not only a lie, but also subversive to a thriving free-state and economy. Its sole purpose is to absorb the reserve dollars used for investment to create an even further false economy. If the government could they would attack the life insurance industry next. I am convinced it is part of a greater vision for Agenda 21, America 2050, and the state survival of a Totalitarian government. Federalism is the appetite for control. The health insurance industry was already failing in providing adequate care and professional decision making. Accountants formulate the care based on the understanding of profitability. This was the demise of the HMO. The PPO is just moving across the street and opening up under a different name. Managed health care destroys the integrity of the medical profession. Government healthcare has proven its failures medically in Medicare & Medicaid. What Americans are looking for is affordable, not free health care. That their prescriptions could have reasonably set copays. That a few doctor visits a year would be available. That preventative maintenance would be a covered expense, including alternative and supplemental choices. That there was a catastrophic pool in place. That healthcare was a choice and not a government sanction. Group insurance has always been designed to bear the cost of the sick. Every corporation knows that those expenses escalated yearly. It caused shopping at minimum every four years. That employees hated changing their providers and everyone was always confused about what was covered and what was not. The cycle has been the same. Big insurances companies paid twenty five cents on the dollar, as part of their negotiations for your bill. So hospitals increased their rates to get a bigger twenty five cents on the dollar. Government and pharmaceutical research grants drive the industry to a false profit in exchange for misleading information to end use. Everyone knows cancer is one of America’s leading industries, from fundraising companies to the FDA. Almost everyone knows someone or has heard of someone released from the hospital on Friday in declared good health, to die before Monday of the obvious. That viruses and disease lurk in every hallway. That rarely a doorknob is cleaned. That referrals and delayed care has caused tragedy and the entire industry is a travesty. Pharmaceuticals have operated on 1000% cost mark ups. That billions are given to hospitals in endowments and trusts. It is understood that doctors are among the highest paid and that nurses are over worked and underpaid. Euthanasia is inevitable. Miracles are stiffened. Florence Nightingale is dead. This is the need for ethics in medicine. Ethics in government. The wastes and cover up are so obvious that no one actually cares to defend or dismiss. But I will do everything in my power to reprove the flaws of “Obamacare”, rescind its existence, and create affordable health care for Americans through pragmatic resolve. 9) It’s your choice… to bathe in carcinogens, ingest GMO’s, breathe in pollutions, absorb chemicals, or drink in virus… or is it? Maybe these are forced upon us in other agendas, like Agenda 21? The Monsanto Protection Act is criminal and unconstitutional. It is an obvious failure of bipartisanship to allow sections on a house bill like this to exist. This connects with a need for ethics to exist in our government. GMO labeling is the minimum expectation, along with transparent education and awareness. When corporations are allowed to dictate, coerce, and direct legislation that generates profit at the cost of lives, health, and the pursuit of happiness, government has failed. Whether this is wars, geo-political inside trading, economic manipulation, blatant greed and cover up, or falsely misleading information to keep business as usual. These are the stories of the last century of industrial, technological, and biomedical revolution. Dollars have never brought peace, bought peace, or made peace. It is in the expression that;” the love of money is the root of all evil”, is industry as a whole. The Cancer Industry, The Food Industry, The Fast Food Industry, The Auto Industry, The Entertainment Industry, The Oil Industry, The Banking and Investment Industry, and most certainly, The Government Industry have all teamed up in collaboration through the TLC, IMF, OPIC, and so many more to create a drone society of profit generators. It is in this bark that the tail wags the dog. The screen is smoked. The hive is scraped. It is in the same time consuming influences that, “We the people”, rise like a Phoenix. It is choice, and we choose life free of forced swallowing. Eighty percent of America’s population carries the weight of the world and government give-away. It is in our eighty percent that we have a collective bigger voice to unite, assemble, and change the world!
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 04:01:08 +0000

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