(1) Nathuram Godse was a member of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak - TopicsExpress


(1) Nathuram Godse was a member of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. He was also in the Hindu Mahasabha like his mentor VD Savarkar. Nathuram’s brother Gopal Godse, was a co-conspirator in the case. After serving his prison term, Gopal conceded in interviews that neither he nor Nathuram had ever left the RSS but told lies in court to protect the RSS as well as Savarkar. --------------------------------- (2 )In August 1888, barely three years after the Congress was founded, Sir Syed of Aligarh and Raja Sheo Prasad of Kashi formed the United India Patriotic Association to convey their loyalty to the British. Later their constituents branched into religious offshoots like the Muslim League in 1906, the Hindu Mahasabha in 1915 and the RSS in 1925. It is this last body created by upper caste Brahmins in the city of Nagpur that has left the largest footprint.Neither Muslim nor Hindu communal formations fought British rule. Virtually no RSS or Hindu Mahasabha people went to jail. An early exception was Savarkar who was arrested in 1910 and sent to the Andamans.At this point Savarkar was not yet communalised as his 1857: The War of Independence published in 1909 eloquently shows. Renaming what the British had dubbed the “Great Mutiny”, Savarkar praised both Hindus and Muslims who made common cause in the war against the British. In the Andamans, Savarkar turned into an ideologue for Hindutva – the term he coined to distinguish his Hindu nationalism from the religion, Hinduism. (3)In 1921 he finally emerged from Andamans jail only after giving numerous undertakings to the British that he would never oppose them again. He kept his promise. The rest of his life went in propagating Hindutva and attacking Gandhi whom he branded as a Muslim appeasing traitor. ----------------------------------- (4)When the Congress launched the Quit India movement in 1942, Savarkar opposed it and asked Hindus to enlist in the British armed forces. ----------------------------------- (5)Guru Golwalker, for 33 years the chief of the RSS and its most influential ideologue, was equally opposed to fighting the British. ----------------------------------- (6)On August 14, 194.7 at the dawn of Independence, the Organiser, the English organ of the RSS, openly denigrated the choice of the tricolour as the National Flag in the following words: “The Tricolour will never be respected and owned by Hindus. The word three is in itself an evil, and a flag having three colours will certainly produce a very bad psychological effect and is injurious to a country. ----------------------------------- (7) In his 1938 book, We or Our Nationhood Defined, Golwalkar approves the Nazi extermination of Jews:“To keep up purity of the nation and its culture, Germany shocked the world by her purging the country of the Semitic races, the Jews. National pride at its highest has been manifested here. ----------------------------------- (8 )ManusmrutiAmongst the many infamous edicts enshrined in the ancient Hindu Law book, the Manusmriti and its related texts, are these:Woman is an embodiment of the worst desires, hatred, deceit, jealousy and bad character. Women should never be given freedom. (Manu IX. 17 and V. 47, 147) ----------------------------------- (10) Killing of a woman, a Shudra or an atheist is not sinful. (Manu IX. 17 and V. 47, 147)If the Shudra intentionally listens for committing to memory the Veda then his ears should be filled with molten lead and lac (MS III-4)I ----------------------------------- (11)But the Manusmriti continued to be held sacred by the architects of Hindutva. Savarkar, stated that the Manusmriti was “the scripture that is most worshippable after the Vedas” and “the basis of the spiritual and divine march of the nation”. ----------------------------------- ( 12)Golwalkar called Manu “the first, greatest and the wisest lawgiver of mankind”.Opposing the Indian Constitution in 1950, the RSS demanded that Manu’s law be made the law of land. ----------------------------------- (13 )After Gandhi’s assassination, Golwalkar and other RSS workers were put in jail. The historian Ramchandra Guha writes: “On December 6, 1947 [two months before the assassination], Golwalkar convened a meeting of RSS workers in the town of Govardhan, not far from Delhi. The police report on this meeting says it discussed how to ‘assassinate the leading persons of the Congress in order to terrorise the public and to get their hold over them’. ----------------------------------- (14)”Sardar Vallabhai Patel of whom Narendra Modi has promised to build the world’s tallest statue, had this to say: “All the [RSS] leaders’ speeches were full of communal poison. As a final result of the poison…an atmosphere was created in which such a ghastly tragedy became possible…RSS men expressed joy and distributed sweets after Gandhiji’s death.” (Excerpts from Sardar Patel’s letters to MS Golwalkar and SP Mookerjee.)Fortuitously for the RSS, it had no written constitution and no official list of members so it could never be proved that RSS was involved in Gandhi’s murder. --------------------------------- (15) In his 1938 book, We or Our Nationhood Defined, Golwalkar approves the Nazi extermination of Jews:“To keep up purity of the nation and its culture, Germany shocked the world by her purging the country of the Semitic races, the Jews. National pride at its highest has been manifested here. Germany has also shown how well-nigh impossible it is for races and cultures having differences going to the root, to be assimilated into a united whole, a good lesson for us in Hindustan to learn and profit by ----------------------------------- (16)”ManusmrutiAmongst the many infamous edicts enshrined in the ancient Hindu Law book, the Manusmriti and its related texts, are these:Woman is an embodiment of the worst desires, hatred, deceit, jealousy and bad character. Women should never be given freedom. (Manu IX. 17 and V. 47, 147)Killing of a woman, a Shudra or an atheist is not sinful. (Manu IX. 17 and V. 47, 147)If the Shudra intentionally listens for committing to memory the Veda then his ears should be filled with molten lead and lac (MS III-4)In 1927 Dr. Ambedkar, a Dalit who had broken the taboo against education, together with multi-caste followers set fire to a copy of the to protest its misogyny. The man who lit the fire was a Brahmin Ambedkarite named Sahastrabuddhe. ----------------------------------- (17)But the Manusmriti continued to be held sacred by the architects of Hindutva. Savarkar, stated that the Manusmriti was “the scripture that is most worshippable after the Vedas” and “the basis of the spiritual and divine march of the nation”.Golwalkar called Manu “the first, greatest and the wisest lawgiver of mankind”. ----------------------------------- (18)Opposing the Indian Constitution in 1950, the RSS demanded that Manu’s law be made the law of the land.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 08:32:24 +0000

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