1 SYLLABUS M.A. ENGLISH ANNUAL SYSTEM Applicable from SESSION 2012-2014 UNIVERSITY OF SARGODHA 2 M.A ENGLISH PART-I EXAMINATION 1 ST ANNUAL 2013 Paper-I (Classical Poetry) .................................... 100 Paper-II (Drama-I) ...................................................100 Paper-III (Fiction-I) ................................................ . 100 Paper-IV (Prose) ................................................... 100 Paper-V (American Literature) .................................. 100 Total............... 500 3 (SYLLABI AND COURSES OF READINGS) PAPER ONE (CLASSICAL POETRY) 1. GEOFFREY CHAUCER The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales 2. EDMUND SPENSER Farie Queen (Book 1, Canto-1) 3. JOHN MILTON Paradise Lost Book-I (line 1-100 & 5 Speeches of Satan) Book-IX (Speeches of Adam & Eve) 4. WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE (Sonnets) i. When I Consider Everything That Grows ii. Shall I Compare Thee to A Summe r’s Day? iii. Weary with Toil, I Haste Me t o My Bed iv. Why Didst Thou Promise Such A Beauteous Day? v. That Thou Hast Her It Is Not Al l My Grief vi. Take All My Loves, My Love, Ye a Take Them All vii. What Is Your Substance, Whereo f Are You Made viii. O, How Much More Doth Beauty B eauteous Seem 5. JOHN DONNE (Selection from Love & Divine Poems) i. The Good Morrow ii. Goe, and Catch a Falling Star iii. The Sunne Rising iv. Song: Sweetest Love, I do not Goe v. A Valediction of Weeping vi. A Valediction- Forbidding Mourning vii. The Expiration viii. Holy Sonnet-------Hymne to God, The Father ix. Holy Sonnet--------A Hymne to Christ x. Holy Sonnet--------A Hymne to God,My God. 6. Alexander Pope Rape of the Lock (canto 1, 2, 5) Reading List • B.Rajan” ‘The Lofty Rhyme’ • Beer, P. (1972) The Metaphysical Poets . McMillan. • Bowden, M. (1967) A Commentary on the Prologue. MacMillan. • Daiches, D. (1971) Milton. Hutchinson & Co. • Dyson, A.E(ed) (1966) Heroic Poetry . McMillan. • Fraser, G. (1978) Alexander Pope . Routledge & Kegan Paul. • Kermode, F. (1971) Shakespeare, Spenser, Donne (Introduction) . Routledge & Kegan Paul. • Leishman; “The Monarch of wit”. • Quennell, P. (1968) Alexander Pope . Weildfeld & Nicolson. • Rudrum, A. (1968) Milton. McMillan. 4 PAPER TWO (DRAMA) 1. SOPHOCLES Oedipus Rex 2. CHRISTOPHER MARLOWE Jew of Malta 3. WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Othello The Tempest 4. OSCAR WILDE Importance of Being Ea rnest Reading List • Belsey (1985) The Subject of Tragedy. Methuen. • Blake (1983). Shakespeare’s Language. McMillan • Bradbook (1973) The Growth and Structure of Elizabethan Comedy. CUP . • Bradley A.C(1955) Shakespearian Tragedy . Meridian. • Calderwood and Toliver (1976) Perspectives on Drama . OUP • Charney (1971) How to Study Shakespeare. McGraw-Hill. • Hussey (1984) The Literary Language of Shakespeare. Longman • Jump, J (1991) Jew of Malta. Casebook Series. McMillan • Jump, J (1991) Shakespeare Hamlet : The Casebook Series McMillan • Kitto, H.D.F (1978) Greek Tragedy . Beacon. • Levin, H (1964) The Over- Reacher, A Study of Christopher Marlowe . Beacon . • McAlinder (1988) English Renaissance Tragedy. McMillan. • Muire 9ed) (1965) Shakespeare: The Comedies . Prentice-Hall • Righter (1962) Shkakespeare and the Idea of the Play. Chatoo and Windus • Sylan (1976) The Elements of Drama. OUP • Wilson (1967) What Happens in Hamlet. CUP • Wilson, J (1962) Shakespeare’s Happy Comedies . Faber and Faber. 5 PAPER THREE (NOVEL) 1. Henry Fielding Joseph Andrews 2. Jane Austin Pride and Prejudice 3. Charles Dickens A Tale of Two Cities 4. George Eliot The Mill on the Fl oss 5. Thomas Hardy Tess of the d’Urbervilles Reading List • Allen, W. (1954) The English Novel: A Short Critical History. Penguin • Allot, M. (1959) Novelists on the Novel. Routledge and Kegan Paul • Bradbucy, M. (1973) Possibilities: Essay on the State of Novel. OUP • Bradbury, M, (ed)(1966) Forster: A Collection of Critical Essays. Prentice Hall . • Bradbury, M. (ed)(1975) E.M.Froster: A Passage to India. McMillan • Casagrande, P.J(1982) Unity in Hardy’s Novels:” Repetitive Symmetries”. McMillan • Cavaliero, G. (1979) A Reading of E.M. Froster. McMillan • Dyson, A.E.(ed) (1976) Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice and Mans field Park. The Anchor Press Ltd. • E.M.Foster: ‘Aspects of English Novel’ • Ernest Baker: History of English Novel • Ernest Baker: History of English Novel • Gray, B. (1989) Georage Eliot and Music. McMillan • Hardy, B.(1970) Critical Essays on George Eliot. Routledge Kegan Paul • Karl, F.R. (1975) A Reader’s Guide to the Development of English Nove ls in the Eighteenth Century. Thomas & Hudson • Karmer, D(1975) Thomas Hardy: The Forms of Tragedy . McMillan • Kennedy, A.(1979) Meaning and Signs in Fiction . McMillan • Mansell, D. (1973) The Novels of Jane Austen: An Introduction . McMillan • Martin, J. S. (1976) E.M Forster: The Endless Journey. CUP • Peck, J. (1983) How to Study a Novel. McMillan • Pinion, F,B(1981) A George Eliot Comparison. McMillan • Pinion, F.B (1977) Thomas Hardy: Art and Thought. McMillan 6 PAPER FOUR (PROSE) 1. Sir Francis Bacon O f Truth, O f Revenge, O f Ambition, Of Studies, O f Great (Essays) Places, O f Friendship, O f Adversity, O f Simulation & Dissimulation 2. Jonathan Swift Gulliver’s Travels (Book 1& 4) 3. Lytton Strachey Selection from Eminent Victorians (i) End of General Gordan (ii) Florence Nightingale 4. Bertrand Russell Selection of Essays i. Philosophy and Politics ii. The Future of Mankind iii. Philosophy For Laymen iv. The Functions of a Teacher v. Ideas That Have Helped Mankind Vi. Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind 5. Edward W. Said Introduction to Culture & Imperialism Reading List • Carr, B. (1975) Bertrand Russell: An Introduction. Georage Allen and Unwin. • Hawkins, M. J. (1972) Introduction in Francis Bacon: Essays. JM Dent and Sons. • Rawson, C. J. (1973) Gulliver and the Gentle Reader. Routlege and Kegan Paul. • Russel, B. (1940) Introduction in An Inquiry Into meaning and Truth. Georage Allen and Unwin. • Speck, W.A. (1970) Swift. Arco. • Vichers, B. (1978) Francis Bacon and Renaissance Prose. Longman • Williams, K. (1969) Jonathan Swift. Georage Allen and Unwin • Williams, K. (1970) Swift the Critical Heritage. Routlege and Kegan Paul 7 PAPER FIVE AMERICAN LITERATURE Poetry Walt Whitman i. There was A Child Went Forth ii. I Saw in Louisiana A Live-Oak Growing iii. One’s-Self I Sing iv. Poets to Come v. O Captain! My Captain! vi. To A Stranger vii. Shut Not Your Doors viii. The Carols Robert Frost i. Mending Wall ii. After Apple Picking iii. The Road Not Taken iv. Tree at my Window v. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening vi. Acquainted with the Night vii. The Pasture viii. Meeting and Passing John Ashbery i. Melodic Trains ii. The Painter Richard Wilbur i. After The Last Bulletin ii. Still Citizen Sparrow Drama Eugene O’Neill Mourning becomes Electra ( Homecoming) Arthur Miller The Crucible Novel Ernest Hemingway A Farewell to Arms Tony Morrison Jazz Reading List • Corrigon, Robert W.ed. Arthur Miller: A Collection of Critical Essays (20 th Century View) • Dusenburgh , Winifred , (1960), The Theme of Loneliness in Modern American Drama. • Lathem, E.C.(1969), The Poetry of Robert Frost • Nitche, G. W.(1969), Human Values in the Poetry of Robert Frost . • Thompson, Lawrence, (1942), Fire and Ice: The art and Thought of Robert Frost 8 M.A ENGLISH PART-II 1 ST ANNUAL 2014 The four papers are compulsory, the other four are optional. The candidates are required to opt for any one of the four optional pa pers. Compulsory Papers Paper-I (Modern Poetry)..................................... ....100 Paper-II (Drama-II) ............................................ ....100 Paper-III (Fiction-II) ............................................. ...100 Paper-IV (Literary Criticism).................................... ..100 Optional Papers Paper-V (Short Stories)............................................100 Paper-VI (Linguistics)............................................. 100 Paper-VII (Essay)................................................ ...100 Paper-VI (Literature in English around the World) .................100 Total: 500 9 Compulsory Papers 10 (SYLLABI AND COURSES OF READINGS) PAPER ONE (MODERN POETRY) (SECTION-I) 1. William Blake (Songs of innocence and Experience) (Selection) i. The Divine Image ii. Holy Thursday, I iii. The Little Black Boy iv. The Chimney Sweepers v. A Poison Tree 2. William Wordsworth i. The Prelude Book-I,(Lines 1-100) ii. Tintern Abbey, Revisited iii. Ode on Immortality 3. P.B. Shelley i. Ode to the West Wind ii. The Cloud iii. Hymn to Intellectual Beauty iv. To a Skylark 4. John Keats i. Endymion (1-50 lines) ii. Ode to Autumn iii. Ode to a Nightingale iv. Ode on a Grecian Urn (Section-II) 1. T.S. Eliot i. Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock ii. The Waste Land 2. W.B. Yeats i. Wild Swans at Coole ii. When You Are Old iii. No Second Troy iv. The Second Coming 3. Philip Larkin i. Mr. Bleaney ii. Church Going iii. Ambulances iv. 1914 Reading List • Comel R. (ed)(1971). Critcs on Yeats . London • Drew, Elizabeth: T.S.Eliot • Gardner, H. (1968) The Art of T.S Eliot. London • Kenner, Hugh: ‘ The Invisible Poet’s • Southern, R. (ed) (1971) A Students’ Guide to the Selected Poems of T.S. El iot. • Unterecker, J. (ed) (1970) Twentieth Century Views . London 11 PAPER TWO (DRAMA) 1. Henrik Ibsen Hedda Gabler 2. George Bernard Shaw Arms and the Man 3. Samuel Beckett Waiting for Godot 4. Edward Bond The Sea 5. Anton Chekhov Cherry Orchard Recommended Readings: • Bishop, Thomas. Pirandello and the French Theatre. New York: 1961. • Chothia, Jean, English Drama of the the Early Moder n Period 1890-1940. New York: Longman, 1996. • Gray, Ronald. Bertolt Brecht. New York: 1961. • Kitchin, L. Mid-Century Drama. London: 1960 (For Os bone). • Northam, John, Ibsen’s Dramatic Method. London: 195 3. 12 PAPER THREE (NOVEL) 1. Joseph Conrad Heart of Darkness 2. D.H. Lawrence Sons and Lovers 3. Virginia Woolf To the Light House 4. Chinua Achebe Things Fall Apart 5. William Golding Lord of the Flies Reading List • Allen, W. (1954) The English Novel: A Short Critical History. Penguin • Allot, M. (1959) Novelists on the Novel . Routledge and Kegan Paul • Bradbucy, M. (1973) Possiblitities: Essays on the State of Nvel. OUP • Ghent, D. The English Novel: Form and Function • Green, M The English Novel in the Twentieth Century James. McMillan • Kennedy, A. (1979) Deve lopments in Criticism Since Henry • Kettle, A An Introduction to the English Novel (1&2) 13 PAPER FOUR (LITERARY CRITICISM) 1. Aristotle Poetics 2. Philip Sidney An Apology for Poetry 3. T.S. Eliot i. Tradition and Individual Talent ii. Metaphysical Poets iii. Milton-1 iv. Milton-2 4. Cleanth Brooks Selection from “The Well Wrought Urn” i. What does poetry communicate? ii. Gray’s Storied Urn, iii. Keats’ Sylvan Historian: History without footnotes, iv. Yeats’ Great Rooted Blossomer 5. Catherine Belsey Critical Practice 6. Practical Criticism (Compulsory) Reading List • Abercrombie, L. Principles of Literary Criticism. • Abrams, M.H. (1977), The Mirror and the Lamp, OUP • Arnold, Mathew, (1966), Essays in Criticism, Second Series. McMillan • Atkins, J. W. H. Literary Citicism in Antiquity • Atkins, J.W.H, History of Literary Criticism • Buckley, Vineent. Poetry and Morality: Students in the Criticism of Arnold. Eliot and Leavis. • Daiches, David ,(1967), Critical Approaches to Literature, Longman, • Eliot, T.S, The use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism. Faber and Faber. • James, S. The Making of Literature • Read, Herbert, Collected Essays in Literary Criticism. Faber and Faber • Read, Herbert, The True Voice of Feeling. Faber and Faber Richar, I.A Principles of Criticism • Saintsbury, G. History of Literature • Wismatt and Brooks Literary Criticism 14 OPTIONAL PAPERS 15 PAPER FIVE (SHORT STORY) 1. Edgar Allen Poe The Man of The Crowd 2. Anton Chekhov The Man Who Lived In A Shell 3. James Joyce The Dead 4. Franz Kafka The Judgment 5. D.H. Lawrence The Man Who Loved Islands 6. V.S. Pritchett The Voice 7. Ernest Hemingway A Clean, Well Lighted Place 8. H.E. Bates The Woman Who Had Imagination 9. Naguib Mahfouz The Mummy Awakes 10. Doris Lessing A Sunrise on the Veld 11. Nadine Gordimer Once Upon aTime 12. Flannery O’Connor Everything That Rises Must Converge 13. William Trevor A Day 14. Brian Friel The Diviner 15. Chinua Achebe Civil Peace 16. Kamau Brathwaite Dream Haiti 17. Ali A. Mazrui The Fort 18. V.S. Naipual The Night Watchmen’s Occurrence Book 19. Alice Walker Strong Horse Tea 20. Amy Tan The Voice From The Wall 21. Sara Suleri The Property of Woman 22. Hanif Kureishi My Son The Fanatic 23. Ben Okri What The Tapster Saw 16 PAPER SIX (LINGUISTICS) 1. What is Language? 2. Characteristics of Human Language 3. Origin of Language 4. Language Universal Tripods 5. Functions of Language 6. What is Linguistics? 7. Linguistics as a science 8. Branches of Linguistics 9. Some major linguistics concepts 10. Levels of Linguistics 11. Phonetics & Phonology 12. Morphology 13. Syntax 14. Semantics/Pragmatics 15. Sociolinguistics/Psycholinguistics 16. Stylistics 17. Linguistic schools of thought Recommended Reading • Aitchison.J 2000 Linguistics (Teach Yourself Books) • Akmajian, A; Demers, R.A; Farmer, A.K & Harish, R.M 2001. Linguistics: An introduction to Language & Communication 4th ED ,Brace College Publ ishers, New York,Cambridge CUP • Coutlhard, Malcom. 1985 An introduction to Discours e Analysis new ED. • Crystal. D (1991), The Cambridge Encyclopedia of La nguage • Farmer, A.K; Demers, R.A.A Linguistics Work Book • Finch, G How to Study Linguistics: A Guide to Unde rstanding Linguistics. • Formkin, V.A; Roadman, R and Hymas, M 2002. Introdu citon to Language. 6th ed. • Gee, J.P 2005 An introduction to Discourse Analys is.Kristen Malmkjaer (ed) (2000)London. Longman. • Lyons.J.(1990) Language & Linguistics Massachusetts : MIT. • McCarthy, Micheal 1991. Discourse Analysis for Lan guage Teachers Moonbean Publications. New York: Heinly. • Radford, A.Atkinson, M.Britain, D.Clahsen, H.Spence r.A (1999) Linguistics: An Introduction. Rutledge. London & New York. The Linguistics Encyclopedia. • Todd, L (1987). An introduction to Linguistics. • Victoria, F & Roadman.R (1998) An Introduction to L anguage Harcourt • Yule, G 2006. The Study of Language. 2nd Edition. C UP. 17 PAPER SEVEN (ESSAY) The paper on Essay will be designed to test the abi lity of the candidates in areas of literary movements and history of English Literatur e.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 07:55:33 +0000

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