1 The Legal Ruling Concerning Greeting Someone Who Is Reciting - TopicsExpress


1 The Legal Ruling Concerning Greeting Someone Who Is Reciting Qur’ a an On the authority of Uqbah ibn Aamir al - Juhanee, (Radiyallahu an - hu), who said: We were sitting in the masjid reading the Qur’an; then the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) entered upon us and greeted us (saying: As - Salaamu Alaikum ); so, we returned the greetings to him. Then he ( Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam ) said: “ Learn the Qur’an and recite it beautifully . ” Q u baath – one of the narrators – said: and I think he ( Sal lallahu Alaihi wa Sallam ) said: “ Recite the Qur’an with a beautiful voice. By the One in Whose Hand is the life of Muhammad, it (i.e. the Qur’an) is more likely to escape from you [even when you review it ] than the camel which is tied.” Al - Haithamee said [in Majma az - Zawaa’id , 7/83] : ‘ Reported by Ahmad and at - Tabaraanee, and the narrators of Ahmad are the narrators accepted by al - Bukhaaree. Al - Albaanee declared it to be Saheeh (authentic) in as - Saheehah , no. 3285. Shu’aib al - Arnaa’oot said: ‘ It is a Saheeh (authentic) Hadeeth, and this chain of narrators is Jayyid (good, acceptable) (i.e. a grade just below the grade of Saheeh ), due to one of the narrators , i.e. Q u baath ibn Razeen; and the rest of the narrators of this chain are reliable, the narrato rs accepted by al - Bukhaaree. ’ Al - Albaanee said: ‘ From the fiqh (understanding) contained in this Hadeeth is t hat it is legislated in the Sharee’ah (Islamic Law) to greet (with ‘ Salaams’ ) a person sitting reciting the Qur’an. It contains a refutation of whoever holds the view that it is Mak - rooh (disliked or detestable) to do this (i.e. to greet the one who is sitting reciting the Qur’an). ’ ‘ This view – in addition to the fact that this is merely an ‘ opinion’ – is in contradiction to this Hadeeth, as well as in contradiction to the general meaning of the Prophet ’s ( Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam ) saying : “ Spread the greetings of Salaam among yourselves.” If it is confirmed that the Prophet ( Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam ) agreed to what the Sahaabah (Companions) did when they greeted him with Salaam while he was performing Salaah (Prayer) in Masjid Qubaa’; and that he would respond to their greetings by sig naling with his noble hand - then it is more fitting that it be legislated to offer greetings of Salaam to someone reciting Qur’an – outside of the Salaah (Prayer). A nd the response, in this case, should be expressed orally , not by pointing, as is not hidden from those who have understanding. And this is the view of Imaam an - Nawawee (May Allah have mercy upon him)! [ Silsilah al - Ahaadeeth as - Saheehah , no. 3285 ] 2 Fatwa of the Permanent Committee (Major Scholars of Saudi Arabia), 4/1 20 “ It is permissible to initiate the greetings of Salaam to someone who is reciting the Qur’an; and it is obligatory (for him/her) to return the greetings of Salaam , since there is no confirmed Sharee’ah (legal) evidence for the prohibition of doing so. “ The Asl (origina l ruling, in this matter) is based upon the general evidences proving that it is legislated in the Sharee’ah that one should initiate greetings of Salaam , and that one must return the greetings to the one who initiates it – unless and until there is a confirmed (legal proof) which exclu des this case (i.e. of greeting one who is recit ing the Qur’an) from the evidences (which per mit the exchange of greetings in this situation).” In another question about greeting someone who is reciting the Qur’an – the Permanent Committee (of Major Scholars) also said: “The Sunnah (of the Prophet, Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam ) is to greet such a person with Salaams , due to what is found in the authentic Hadeeths showing that it is legislated in the Sharee’ah (Islamic Law) to offer Salaams and to shake hands at the time of meeting (other Muslims).” Shaykh Abdul - Azeez Ibn Baaz (Rahima - hu - llah) Question : If a person enters the masjid and says to another person who is reciting the Qur’an: ‘ As - Salaam u Alaikum !’ – Should the person who is reciting the Qur’an respond to the greetings of Salaam or not ? Answer: Al - Waajib , that which is obligatory upon him is to res pond, stop the recitation and return th e greetings of Salaam . In the situation of one who is perform ing the Salaah (Prayer), then he responds by signaling, i.e. pointing with his hand . As for the situation of one who is only reciting (the Qur’an), not in Salaah (Prayer), then he should stop the recitation and return the greetings, saying: ‘ Wa Alaikumu s - Salaam’ . [Translation: Abu Muhammad, 29 th Ramadan 1433AH - August 17, 2012CE]
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 06:25:42 +0000

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