1 WHY WORSHIP IN THE NAME OF PAGAN DEITIES? Our Saviour in His - TopicsExpress


1 WHY WORSHIP IN THE NAME OF PAGAN DEITIES? Our Saviour in His prayer said, “Kodesh Father, keep through Thine Own Name, those Whom Thou hast given Me, that they may be one, as We are.” He said, “While I was with them in the world, I kept them in Thy Name.” (John 17:11-12). Now in whose name are you? Are you living on the HaIIeIuYAH side? Whose name do you “Hallow” when you pray? When the Saviour taught His disciples how to pray, the first statement in the order of the prayer was “HALLOWED BE THY NAME”. The word “Hallowed” means to make holy, purify, consecrate, venerate, sanctify, set apart, or make separate from uncleanliness. The Saviour certainly must have foreseen the corrupt practices of the churches of today, when He placed the hallowing of the Name before the forgiveness of sin, etc., in the order of the prayer. Most of the people of today have forgotten the great Name of the Heavenly Father, our Superior. They have forgotten the Name, which they were told to hallow and reverence. Instead, they hallow the names of mythological deities, such as “god” and “lord,” as we shall prove later in this tract, which are not even names, but merely titles of office. (i.e., “Truman” is a name, “President” is the title of his office.) People have been praying to the title of office for centuries. Why, we ask? How could that happen? Why did not the wise men tell us the name of our Heavenly Father? Is not the name Jesus Christ given from Heaven? Is Lord the name of (god) the Creator, or is it merely a title? The answer is,—”Lord” is merely a title, the same as the word “President” is only a title. The question may be asked, what is the name of our Maker? How did it happen that we do not know His Name? We find the answer in the happenings of a long time ago, when the false prophets told the people lies, instead of telling them the Word of our Heavenly Father. The false prophets told the people lies and dreams of their own hearts. (See Jeremiah 23:26-27.) Many prophets and leaders do the same to this day. Now if anyone really wants to know the truth about this matter, there is plenty of evidence available, that he may secure. The Scriptures, in describing the “mother church” of today, declares in Rev. 17:5, “And upon her forehead was a NAME written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth.” Naturally everyone thinks, this applies to some other church, certainly not his; but all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication (Rev. 18:3). And when drunk with strong drink, one is likely to err (Isaiah 28:7). How can priest or preacher teach knowledge when drunk with strong drink? Isaiah 28:8-9; 29:9-13. “The night is far spent, the day is at hand let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting, and drunkenness.”—Romans 13:12-13. There are many earnest hearts who would like to worship in the proper way without dishonoring the Holy Name. In Exodus 23:13, we read: “And in all things that I have said unto you be circumspect; and make no mention of the name of other gods (Elohim), neither let it be heard out of thy mouth.” We believe that true, earnest, holy people would not intentionally try to dishonor their Creator by using names of other deities. But, do you know, dear reader, that people do that very thing, not knowing what they say? 2 Every religious group in the world thinks that their form of worship is the best. They are very proud of their worship. Yes, they are so sure, that they do not stop for a minute to check if it is right or wrong. Many of them say, “If it was good enough for my father, it is good enough for me.” If someone should ask them, “Whom do you worship?” They would answer, “I worship the Lord.” Now there are many lords. If asked which of these lords they worship, the answer would be, “the Lord God.” However, there are also “gods many”.--I Cor. 8:5. “Lord” and “God” were both names of pagan deities, so we should go to the original Scriptures for the inspired Name of our heavenly Father; for the warning is explicit that one must not preach, or teach in the name of a pagan deity, for it is likened unto falsehood, and we know that “all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone.--Rev. 21:8. Listen! “But the prophet (preacher) which shall presume to speak a word in my name which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods (just what the churches are doing), even that prophet (preacher) shall die.”—Deut. 18:20. Now, beloved, the National Names for the Almighty were names of pagan deities, and have been inserted into the Scriptures where the Holy Spirit caused holy prophets to pen the inspired name YHWH (Yahweh) the Elohim (Mighty One). Be a good Berean, search and see that we are telling the truth, then obey! —Acts 17:11, 12. That the devil should not receive worship intended for the true Creator, and that substitute names should be remembered no more, the command was given unto Israel, “Ye shall overthrow their altars, and break their pillars, and burn their groves with fire; and ye shall hew down the graven images of their gods, and destroy the names of them out of that place.”—Deut. 12:3; Deut 13th chapter; Numbers 25:6-12. At this time, may we ask ourselves: “Are we overthrowing any of the altars of (pagan) religion? Are we breaking any of the supports of devil worship? Are we burning any of their groves of idolatry with the consuming fire of His word? Are we demolishing any of the idols of heathenism found in opposition to the Almighty? Are we found destroying the detestable, pagan, substitute names, which have been fostered by an apostate religion, and imposed upon an unsuspecting religious world?” Joshua, in his final address to Israel, gave command regarding the use of substitute names. He knew how these would alienate the people from the heavenly Father. He admonished Israel, saying, “Neither make mention of the name of their gods (the gods of the nations), nor cause to swear by them, neither serve them, nor bow yourself unto them; but cleave unto Yahweh, your Elohim (Mighty One) as ye have done unto this day.”--Josh. 23:7, 8. Not only do professed followers of the heavenly Father mention the names of the deities of the nations, but they have substituted these for the true name of the Creator, so that songs, prayers, and praises are offered in the names of heathen gods and goddesses. And the oaths upon the lips of the people are in the name of the gods of the nations. How unlike David of old, who said of pagan deities, “Their drink offerings of blood will I not offer, nor take up their names into my lips.” --Psa. 16:4; 96:5; 2 Kings 1:2; Matt. 12:27. Again the Psalmist has said, “If we have forgotten the name of our Elohim (Mighty One), or stretched out our hands to a strange deity; shall not the Elohim search this out? For He 3 knoweth the secrets of the heart.” --Psalm 44:20, 21. Today, has not this prophecy been fulfilled? Is it not said that the name of the heavenly Father has been forgotten, and that no one knows it? Are not worshippers using substitute names and stretching forth their hands in prayer to strange deities, to God, to Lord, to Adonai, to Pan, to Herr, to Bog, to Kurios, in other words, in the names of the Baalim,--forgetting that Yahweh has said, “Shall not the Elohim search this out?” Halleluyah! “He knoweth the secrets of the heart,” and will reprove and teach the teachable. One may say, “Well it makes no difference, what we call Him, since the Father knows the heart. He understands we mean Him, and will answer.” However, this does not harmonize with the words which the Almighty One has Himself declared, as recorded by the prophet Hosea. Listen! “And it shall be at that day, saith YHWH (Yahweh), that thou shalt call me Ishi (My husband); and shalt call me no more Baali (My lord). For I (Yahweh) will take away the names of the Baalim out of her (the bride’s) mouth.”—Hosea 2:16, 17. Not only had Israel forgotten the Creator’s word given by Moses, Joshua and David, and allowed the pagan names to come into their lives, but they had come to the place where they had been forgetting the true name of the Holy One of Israel, and were found substituting the names of the Baals for that of Yahweh. Just as David said, “Shall not the Elohim search this out?” His bride class people had been caught calling Him, “My Baal,”—in English, “My Lord,” see the margin of your Bible. Yahweh could have said, “Well, my people are sincere. They mean well. They do not mean Baal when they are praying. So I’ll let them go ahead and call me Baal.” But Yahweh did say, “I will take the names (more than one) of the Baalim out of her mouth.” One may try to justify himself by saying, “Well I do not call my Maker ‘Baal’, I call Him ‘Lord’, ‘God’, or some other name.” This will not excuse anyone. Search into the origin of these names, and you will find that they are names of the Baalim. You may say, “Well they don’t mean Baalim now.” But that does not justify their use. Those who were calling Yahweh by the name Baal, in our text (Hosea 2:16) were rebuked, though the name Baal did not mean the person of the devil to those who were using it when addressing the Most High. No, friends, there is no excuse for using a substitute when you may use the inspired name. Kneel now! Let Yahweh take the names of Baalim out of your mouth, just as He has done in the life of many saints in recent years. HalIeIu-Yah! Micah, the prophet, has foretold the condition of the professed followers of the Creator in these few words, “For all people will walk every one in the name of his god, and we will walk in the name of Yahweh, our Eloi (Mighty One) for ever and ever.”—Micah 4:5. Today, all people are found worshipping in the name of their own private national deity. When the Scriptures were translated from the original language into the language of the nations, the true names, as given in the inspired writings, were dropped, and the names of the deities of the heathen people were inserted in the place of the Kodesh-Spirit-given-names of the Almighty. Hence, instead of the text reading as the Almighty spoke it, a very different result is accomplished through the substitutions. For instance, as to the difference of meaning, let us take out one text, Isaiah 42:8, which reads, “I am Yahweh: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.” In the process of substitutions by the various peoples, in which their own private god’s name 4 has been substituted, we have this text thus, “I am the Lord: that is my name” (English). “I am Pan Bog: that is my name” (Polish). “I am Boh: that is my name” (Russian). “I am Adonai: that is my name” (Jewish). “I am Kurios: that is my name” (Greek). Now remember that all people are thus walking in the names of THEIR gods. We read, “Bog has created the heavens and the earth.” “Kurios is my shepherd.” “Herr has established the heavens.” “Adonai is the mighty one of Abraham.” And so it goes through the nations. The gods of the peoples are getting the praise; the idols of heathenism are receiving glory which is Yahweh’s due, for each and every one of these substitute names were the personal names of pagan idols, heathen deities. Do you get the meaning the prophet has intended? Every people has substituted the name of one of its gods in the place of the true name of Yahweh; and, hence, they are today found walking in the name of idols. But, how about the bride class, the little remnant, the true saints? Are they also walking in the names of the gods of the nations? They may have been guilty of this, just as Hosea (2:16, 17) said. They might have been calling Him by one or more of Baal’s names; but His promise was, “I will take the names of the Baalim out of her mouth.” And now what does Micah say? While the unconverted, the head strong and un-teachable are walking every one in the name of his pet god, “WE, (the bride class, from whose mouth every Baal name has been taken by the Spirit) will walk in the name of YAHWEH for ever and ever.”—Micah 4:5. Now, since we have come to an understanding of Micah’s message about the names, let’s consider Isaiah 65:11 carefully. The prophet says, “But ye are they that forsake Yahweh, that forget my kodesh mountain, that prepare a table for Gad [marginal reading), and that furnish the drink offering unto Meni (marginal reading).--Rev. 12:9. Let’s understand that Gad (pronounced god) was a Chaldean sun-deity. Meni was the moongoddess. Now, what have the people done? They have forsaken Yahweh, whom they should worship. They have turned to worshipping substitutes Gad and Meni. Yahweh’s table has been forgotten, and now they prepare a table to Gad. Now we hear of “the Lord’s table,” “Kurios’ table,” ”Herr’s table,” “God’s table,” but why not “Yahweh’s table?” O, friends, read the next verse, and see the judgment against those who forsake Yahweh, and worship the substitutes. Read it, and be warned, “Therefore (because of substitutions) will I number you to the sword, and ye shall all bow down to slaughter: because when I (Yahweh) spake, ye did not hear; but did evil before mine eyes, and did choose that wherein I delighted not.” “Therefore, this saith Yahweh, Behold, my servants shall drink, but ye shall be thirsty; behold my servants shall rejoice, but ye shall be ashamed; behold, my servants shall sing for joy of heart, but ye shall cry for sorrow of heart, and shall howl! For breaking of spirit. And ye shall leave your name (better get rid of it now, friends) for a curse unto my chosen for Yahweh shall slay thee, and call his servants by another name.” Isa. 65-11-15, John 17: 11-12 Yes, He shall call His servants by another name, and not the name of an idol--be that idol Lord, God, Pan, Bog, Christos, Kurios, Adonai, Herr, or another. It is time that we discard the names of the Baalim and learn the true. “The name of Yahweh is a strong tower: the righteous runneth unto it, and is safe.” --Pro. 18:10. It is not heard to learn the true names even from the King James translation. Psalm 68:4 says, “Sing unto the Eloi (Mighty One), sing praises to His name: extol Him (praise Him highly) who rideth upon the heavens by His name Jah (Yah), and rejoice before him.“ Thus we have learned that His name is Yah, in lyric. In Psalm 83:16, we have another form of the name. Here it is compounded, as it is usually 5 found with the verb “hawah” meaning living and sense of existence (YAHAWAH0. “Hovah” means mischief (as in Jehovah) and has no connection with YHWH. Yahweh gives a more correct sound of the tetragrammaton of YHWH. The text reads “Fill their faces with shame; that they may seek thy name. O Yahweh. Let them be confounded and troubled forever; yea, let them be put to shame and perish; that men may know that thou, whose name alone is YAHWEH, art the most high over all the earth.” See King James Authorized Version, published by World Publishing Company, Cleveland, Ohio: Bible Cyclopedia and Concordance. A Review, by Dr. George H. Sandison, page 214. “The name of God properly Yahweh.” The form Yahweh was translated into the Greek word Kurios by Aquila Symmachus and Theodotiophilo. The form Jehovah was first introduced by Petrus Galatinus in 1489. He changed it from the form Yahweh into the form Jehovah. The form Jehovah is wrong. It must be only two syllables., “Yah-weh.” Jehovah has three syllables, see “History of Europe,” by James Harvey Robinson, page 67-69.; Ancient Times A History of the Early World, by James Harvey Robinson, page 206-215 and 277; the new translation of THE BIBLE by James Moffatt, introduction page 20; also see A New Translation of the Bible by Joseph Bryant Rotherham, and Smith-Goodspeed’s “American Translation.” In Exodus 6:2, the Almighty said, “I am Yahweh (Jehovah, margin). And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of El Shaddai, but by my name Yahweh (Jehovah, text), was I not known to them?” See also the margin of Jonah 1:9; Jer. 14:21 and 33:2, for further evidence that the name if Yahweh. The margin reads Jehovah (King James version), but the correct, ancient and sacred form is the original “Yahweh”. --Psalm 72:17-19; Gen. 22:14; Gen. 18:1. Are you sure there is salvation in the name in which you worship in you religion? Did you ever read what the apostle Cephas (Peter), said in Acts 4:10-12 about in whose name you must be saved? You know that Cephas was just a common, ordinary, uneducated fisherman. He was an Israelite speaking the Hebrew language. He did not talk in Greek. In Hebrew the Saviour’s name is Yahshua, not Jesus. Now you may say that may be true, but in Greek it is Jesus. But we find that is not true. The Greek equivalent to Yahshua is Yah-Soter, and in English it would be Yah-Saviour. The word IESOUS, OR JESUS, IS A NAME OF A PAGAN DEITY, that was worshipped long before the time of our Saviour Yahshua. Our Saviour said that those that came before him were thieves and robbers. John 10:8. “Jesus” was known among the pagan Greeks as their Saviour long before the birth of our Messiah. So, you see, people turned from the worship of the true Saviour to worship in the name of the Greek idol Ie- Sous, or Ie-Zeus. People have been fooled by Satan. It was the deceivers of the people who inserted the pagan idol Jesus in the places of the Kodesh One (Matt. 24:14) Now you can see why Cephas statement is correct, that there is no other name under heaven, given among men whereby we must be saved, except Yahshua, who was hung on the tree, whom Yahweh our Heavenly Father raised, and whom the builders (or preachers) set aside, or at naught. The builders (preachers) have set up the idol Jesus in the Kodesh place. Brother, Sister, think it over! Are you saved? The name of the Saviour can be learned quickly by turning to Hebrews 4:8, and reading the text with the marginal rendering, that is, “For if Yahshua (Joshua) had given them rest, then would he not afterwards have spoken of another day.” Here, it is plainly evident that “Jesus” has taken the place of the older name Joshua, or as originally, “Yah-Oshua.” (See the note in the “Wilson Emphatic Daiglott”, Matt. 1:21; and also the “Challoner-Rheims” Catholic version.) 6 Again we find evidence of the substitution in Acts 7:45, by reading the margin. Here again, “Jesus” has been substituted for Joshua (Yahshua) the leader of Israel. The voice from heaven, spake to Saul in the Hebrew tongue, “I am Yahshua” (Jesus being substituted.) --Acts 26:15. Therefore, from this evidence, as in Hebrews 4:8, one may safely correct the name, wherever “Jesus” is found in the New Testament, by using the ancient, inspired, reverent name of Yahshua. And one may also learn the true title, erroneously carried into our English language as “Christ,” the name of another pagan god. Turn, please to John 1:41, where is recorded the conversation of the two Hebrew brothers, Andrew and Simon, and where the Greek translator has added the interpretation of the Hebrew word. The text reads, “He (Andrew) first findeth his own brother Simon, and saith unto him, We have found the Messiah (and the translator adds), which is being interpreted (for the Greeks) the Christ.” If an Englishman were translating from the original, he might add for the benefit of his readers, “We have found the Messiah, which is, being interpreted, the Anointed of Yah,” see the marginal rendering. Again, in John 4:25, the same kind of explanation is given, in which the translator has given the meaning as “which is called Christ,” by the Greeks. From these texts, especially the margin of chapter 1:41, given above, we may safely correct the Greek substitute by using the original Hebrew word Messiah, or translating into the English the meaning of “the Anointed of Yah,” when the text reads “Christ.” Now, as we learned from Psalm 68:4, the Father’s name is Yah (Jah). The Saviour owned His Father’s name, and said, “I am come in my Father’s name” (John 5:43). Just as the Father’s name is coupled with the verb “hawah” giving to it the meaning of “Self-existent, ever-living, eternal Yah,” (Yahweh; so in like manner, our Saviour has come in the name of His Father “Yah”, so we have “Yah-Saviour”, Yahshua. The same is illustrated by our own names. For instance if your earthly father’s name is Smith, and his first name is John, then, we have “Smith—John.” His son’s name is Smith also, and his given name Joseph, so we have Smith—Joseph. Thus, we can see the truth of John 5:43. The Father’s name is Yah (or Yahweh). Our Saviour’s name is Yah, also, but Yahshua. It is, as He said, “I am come in my Father’s name.” In Revelation, John is shown the servant class, before the throne of the Almighty and the Lamb, and upon their foreheads is seen the name of the Father. The record reads, “The throne of Elohim and of the Lamb shall be in it: and they shall see his face: and his name shall be upon their foreheads." --Rev. 22:4 Again, in Revelation 14:1, are seen the sealed ones who follow the Lamb wherever He goes, and of them it reads, “And I looked, and 10, a Lamb stood on the mount Zion, and with him a hundred and forty and four thousand, having His name and His Father’s name written upon their forehead.” Listen to the commendation of the Spirit to those of the Seven Churches who have been faithful in the name: “I know thy works. . . For my name’s sake (thou) has labored.. . Thou holdest fast my name. . . And hast not denied my name.” (Rev. 2:3, 13; 3:3, 8). Now listen to the promise, 0 how wonderful, “Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my Elohim, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my Elohim, and the name of the city 7 of my Elohim, . . . and I will write upon him my new name.” --Rev. 3:12, 13. What wonderful promises! What a glorious reward awaits the faithful. What a blessing to those who allow the names of the Baalim to be taken from their lips. Hallelu-Yah! Come, let us restore the Kodesh name of our Heavenly Father. --lsaiah 64:7; Psalms 34:3. FAITH BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY P. 0. Box 321 Amherst, Ohio 44001 ASSEMBLY OF YAH 2695 N 2409th Rd. Marseilles, IL 61341 1-(815) 357-9926 E-mail askyah@pcwildblue Internet: Assemblyofyah
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 02:30:06 +0000

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