1. Was wanting to hear peoples opinions on the baltic amber - TopicsExpress


1. Was wanting to hear peoples opinions on the baltic amber teething necklaces. To the people who do use them and swear by them do you keep them on at all times or take it off during bath time. Thanks 2. I would like to start my 7.5 month old on cheese . Which type is a good starter and in what form? Melted? Cut up small? Grated? 3. Hi, We have just found out we are pregnant with bub 2 and I have a 7 month old. We havent told family yet because its so early but I wanted to know if anyone had bubs this close together, did you get bigger earlier or will I be able to hide this bub? Thanks 4. Wondering if there are any businesses out there that make custom cot quilt covers/rugs? I know what I want but cannot find the colours ANYWHERE!! Thanks 5. Desperate need of baby boy names. I like traditional names, we have Matthew, William, Ben, Samuel in our family already. Pleeeease can you help me with more names, so stuck! 6. Im in need if some tips to help with teething! Please! Besides: Nurofen, panadol, wet face washer, teething ring Rusks and Bonjela. My daughter is 6 months old next week on the 13th all week this week she has been extremely clingy, very sooky, waking every 2 hours, not feeding properly because its hurting her to suck, but she chewed on my hand so hard its bruised. Please help 7. My baby had started sitting/standing in the cot when shes meant to be sleeping. I go in several times and lay her back down (she fights or cries every time). It started with day sleeps but now Im waking at night having to do it too because she wont lay back down. Help! 8. Hi my baby has just turned 3 months and magical started to sleep longer from 7hrs to now 10 hrs straight. I would like to hear what others are doing for scheduled sleeps during the day thanks
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 22:18:55 +0000

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