#1) What is the Kingdom of God ? . A Kingdom is a place or - TopicsExpress


#1) What is the Kingdom of God ? . A Kingdom is a place or domain where a king dwells, reigns, rules, supreme. Where all the citizens within the Kingdom walls all absolutely Loyal, faithful and obedient to their King. Disobedience to the King is punishable by banishing the citizen from within the Kingdom walls. Away from the King Who will have no divisions in His Kingdom. For He knows a Kingdom divided against itself cannot stand. Only the King Himself can sit upon His Throne to rightfully rule over all the inhabitants of the Kingdom. This One and Only True King, is a jealous King, and will not allow nor tolerate, the citizens of His Kingdom, to love, serve, or obey any other kings but Him. His laws, decrees, dogmas, and speech, is the law of the kingdom. What He puts into writing is the law. Same with Gods eternal kingdom. That is not divided, has no divisions, has only one King, Whos Kingdom is eternal, which is that which is not seen. For those things which are seen are but temporal. His Speech, His Voice and His Written Word, is Law ! His Voice is Christ His Only Begotten Son. His Seen Written Word, is the seen manifestation of The Unseen Spoken Word. The Kingdom of God, is where God has Absolute Supreme Eternal Power, Control, Reign, Rule, Dominion and Authority. He Alone is King of all kings and the Lord of all lords. The King of kings will NOT share His Throne with anything or anyone, this includes we ourselves. We Must stop down fully from the throne of our Life. So He Alone and not we ourselves Reigns and rules Supreme. . #2) When do we seek the kingdom of God ? . It is written seek you FIRST, Above, Beyond, Before LL Persons, Places, Power, Positions, or Things. Nothing comes before the seeking of the Kingdom of God, until we actually find that which we do seek for. We do not get off track or off base. We walk the course of the straight and narrow paths of life, light and righteousness. As we do not lead ourselves for we do not know that way. But He Alone Who is the Way, Christ (John 1; 6), Who is the course or path we traverse. He is the Light (John Eight; 12, John 9; 5) Who shines down on the path we walk. Christ the Path we walk, leads us to Eternal Life. Christ is the Eternal Life we seek and find (1 John 1; 1, 2, & 1 John 5; 7, 11 - 13, 20). Christ is the Way in which we are to go. Christ is the Light Who shows us Himself. Christ is the Eternal Life He gives unto us, giving us Himself. Even as no person comes to the Father but through Him. Even so no person comes or enters into the Kingdom of God but through Him. For God the Father dwells in His Kingdom. . #3) How do we seek the kingdom of God ? . It is written we are to seek DILIGENTLY. What does it mean to seek diligently ? We are to seek the same way that a first time mother seeks for her first born lost child. She seeks and searches High and Low, far and wide, here, there and every where. She never stops seeking or searching day or night. Her Only goal and focus is on finding her lost child. The lost child fills all of the thoughts of her heart and mind. She will seek and search all her life until her last dying breath. Nothing and no one can or will stop her or stand in her way. She will sacrifice and surrender all that she has in this world, if it means finding her lost child. In this same we are to seek and to search. Until we find that which we seek. For it is written they who seek diligently will find. It is a promise from God. He does not tell us how long it will take us. But I do know it is not until God and His Kingdom is your one and only true Love. Not until you come before God to surrender and sacrifice all. Even your very life of your flesh body, even at the cost of losing all worldly riches, pleasures and treasures. Nothing will separate us from Him, not in this world nor the next, not in things past, present or future. . #4) Where do we seek to find the Kingdom of God ? . First of all, Jesus said, His Kingdom is Not of this world. Therefore the King of the Kingdom of God is Not of this world. Because the King of the Kingdom of God dwells in and rules over His Kingdom that is Not of this world. . Secondly: Jesus said in (Luke 17; 21). The Kingdom of God is Not here or there, is Not somewhere outside of yourself, but is WITHIN YOU. We are told in (Romans 12; 2) Be NOT conformed unto this world, nor squeezed into this world, but come out from among the world, that God and His Kingdom are Not of, and set yourself apart unto God. We are told by God Himself in (12 John 2; 14 - 17) Seek Not and Love Not the riches and, pleasures or treasures of this world for they are Not of God. In James 4; 4) we read, a friend of the world, one who puts their hope, faith, trust and confidence in the world as you would a friend, they are the enemies of God, not the children of God. For lust, love and care for worldly riches and pleasures, chokes out the good seed (Luke Eight; 11, 14) Who is God Himself (John 1; 1, 2) Who is the King of all kings (Rev. 19; 13, 16). The Word Who is the Life and Light Within You (John 1; 1, 4, 9). The Christ Within You (Gal. 4; 19, Col. 1; 27, 29, Eph. 3; 14 - 17). For it is No Longer I who lives but Christ Alone, Who alone lives, dwells, abides and remains in me (Gal. 2; 20). For we have fully decreased. putting off the old man of our flesh (Eph. 4; 22- 24, Romans Eight; 1). For our flesh inherit nor see or enter into the Kingdom of god (1 Cor. 15; 50), that is WITHIN us (Luke 17; 21). The Outward man from below, cannot enter into nor find the Kingdom of God and God Himself Who are from Above and Not from Below, Who are Within us. This world we are not to be conformed to nor to be a friend of, is the Original forbidden tree that we are Not to partake of. The forbidden fruits of the forbidden tree, is our flesh body produced out of the dust of the forbidden tree, and all the seen things are the forbidden fruit of the forbidden tree. When we partake of the forbidden fruits, we sin and with sin comes the wages for or the payment for sin, which is death (Romans 6; 23). But we can also freely of the Tree of Life, but even as no person can serve 2 kings or masters, even so no person can partake of both tries. When man partakes of one, God removes for him the other. Christ, The Voice of God the Father, is our bread of life Who came down from Heaven (John 6; 33, 35, 38, 48) our living water of Life, our vine of life, our life itself (John 14; 6, John ; 1, 4, 9 ), eternal life (1 John 1; 1, 2, & 1 John 5; 7, 11 - 13, 20), our resurrection of life (John 11; 25), our judge of life (John 12; 48), and He is The Tree of Life Who produces the fruits of eternal life, and He is the eternal life that He produces as His own fruit. Who ever partake of Him, of Christ the Word, of the Inward Spirit Man from above, will have life, the breath of life and eternal life, more abundantly. Will have more and more of Christ, as He Alone must fully increase until only He is left and can be found. In short, all that is seen is forbidden, all that is Not Seen is eternal and is Not forbidden. The outward man of our flesh is forbidden, our Inward Spirit Man, Christ the Voice of God is not forbidden. The Inward Man, This same Spirit in us Who was also in Christ Jesus, does mortify the outward man of the flesh (Romans Eight; 13). So as a spirit being born of the Spirit (John 3; 5 - 7) we no longer obey or fulfill the lusts, cares, love or desires of our flesh (Gal. 5; 16). . #5 ) Who is the King of the Kingdom of God ? Obviously God is the King of the Kingdom of God. In (John 1; 1, 2) We read that the Word was God, therefore the Word is and always will be God for God changes Not (Mal. 3; 6). This Same Word Who is God is the Second Person in Heaven Who bears record with God the Father and the Holy Spirit, He Who is Gods Only Begotten Son (1 John 5; 7 kjv), and This Same Words of Life Who was in the beginning with God as God (1 John 1; 1, 2) is the Lord of lords (Rev. 19; 13, 16) and the Lord of All (Acts 10; 36, 37, John 6; 63). The Same Word Who was the Same Voice Whom Adam heard (John Eight; 43, 47) walking in the garden but hid himself from (Gen 3; eight, 10). The Same Word Who is God Who created the world and all things (Psalms 33; 6, John 1; 1- 3, Psalms 100; 3) Who was in the world ( 1 Tim 3; 16), but the world knew Not and received Not (John 1; 10, 11, Acts 17; 23, 24). . # 6) Who is the Righteousness we are to seek ? . Seek First for the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Christ the Voice of God, the Kingdom of the Life and Breath of Life Within you, AND His Righteousness. In (Jer. 23; 6) We are told, The Lord is our Righteousness. So Who are we to seek ? Not only the Kingdom of the Voice of God that is Within us, but also the King Himself, God the Word Himself, The Christ, The Voice of the Father Himself Who is Also Within us. Which is a greater find ? The Kingdom of a King or the King Himself ? The King of course ! . # 7) Where do we seek to find Our Righteousness ? . We seek the Lord, the Word Who is God and Christ the Son of God, the Voice of God the Father, WITHIN ourselves. Where His Kingdom is hidden and can be found when sought for first and diligently. . # 8) Once we find the Kingdom of God and He Who is our Righteousness, What is add unto us ? . That which is added to us, is Not that which we sought Not. Not the will or ways of our flesh, not the wisdom or traditions of men, not the world or its riches, pleasures or treasures. But that which we diligently sought for first before all. The Kingdom of God Within us and Its King, The Word Who is God Who is the Life and Breath of Life Within us. They are added unto us. Jesus said, You being imperfect fathers, know how to give good gifts to your children, If your child asked you for a fish, would you give to him a stone ? No, you would give him what he asked for. Our Heavenly Father is the Same Way. He does Not give you the world and its riches and pleasures knowing He tells you to seek and love them not. God is not going to give to us or add to us, that which chokes out the Word of God, The Very One You have sought for diligently and now have found. No He is going to give you exactly what you sought for, what you asked for, Himself and His Kingdom. . # 9) Is that which we find and added unto us, really added unto us ? . No ! Because it is no longer we who lives to add all things unto. It is Christ Alone Who alone created all things by and for Himself ( Col. 1; 15 - 17), Who adds all things, including we ourselves unto Himself, for only He Himself lives in us to add all things unto (Gal. 2; 20). . I love you ALL eternally. Brother Samuel Boe C. Jackson. Home Phone 1-330-525-0094 Beloit Ohio (U.S.A.) Skype I.D. brotherboe.jackson1 . . . . .
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 11:07:44 +0000

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