1. What is your life work? I’m not talking about your Job or - TopicsExpress


1. What is your life work? I’m not talking about your Job or even the thing that makes you money necessarily. What is it that is your reason for being alive? Are you building a community of people to live Healthier? Do you Dream of inventing something to Empower Others? What programs and projects are you working on in your spare time to share your special gifts and talents with the world? 2. What is the meaning of your life? What gives you Purpose? Who have you impacted or inspired in your life? Who is out there waiting for you to pave the way? Is there an endangered plant or animal out there needing your protection? Maybe your impact is in the art of healing or in supporting something you believe in. Either way everyone has a powerful purpose. 3. What is your passion? One of the biggest hints the universe gives you about what your life purpose is, is by creating an exciting passion for that thing. Be it art, helping others, health and healing, or inventing there is something is this world that ignites your soul. Find that special passion and allow your heart to guide you towards making it the main focus of your life. 4. What does the world lose if I wasnt here? We all have an impact on those around us. Like a ripple in a pond it may not seem like much at first but once it ripples out it has a larger and larger effect on the world around us. You have special gifts and talents that are your unique gift to the world. 5. What would it take to begin living my dreams today? If I am not living my dreams already what can I do right now to start moving in that direction? Is there something I can start reading or researching to learn how to live my dreams? Are there people I can connect with in order to learn the skills I need? Do I need to start saving a little money here and there? Is there a way to volunteer or become an apprentice to an expert who is already doing what I want to learn? Follow your dreams and encourage those around you to do the same. If we all live powerful, meaningful lives we can change this world and make it a better place for everyone! Check out this powerful video on living your life purpose! https://youtube/watch?v=MAp0BTg2Trw#t=250
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 17:30:31 +0000

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