1. You always have the power to heal itself. In the physical body - TopicsExpress


1. You always have the power to heal itself. In the physical body laid mechanisms of self-healing, it is equipped with a safety system that does not transmit external and internal pathogens. The device includes a body-regeneration process by creating new cells daily. We can stop this process only if you do not believe in this ability and do not give your body what it needs: rest, proper nutrition and stress. 2. Only you can heal yourself. Nobody else will do it for you. Create a team to help in healing, it is very important - its members can offer their knowledge, ideas, different views and that the most valuable - their support. However, these people can not heal you - only you it under force. This is a personal journey of self discovery and spiritual evolution. No one can experience your emotions, understand how your mind works, or generate your thoughts. Others can help you track down unhealthy models, but you can change them, and only you. 3. Initially heal the soul; it is followed by healing the mind and body. Soul, mind and body have different needs, and if necessary receive, then all will be well. But if you give us something to be ignored, and the disease appears fragmentation attacks all. Healing reconnects soul, mind and body. While medicine works primarily with the body, the divine art of healing reminds us of the need to start with the soul, because it is - the source of our existence, breathing life in the mind and the body. If we start here, then everything else will tighten automatically. And what are the needs of the soul? Live in joy and with meaning, develop, grow and express their motivation through thoughts, words and deeds. 4. Heals only love. Energy of love performed incredible healing power. Send you to any part of the body where there is pain or malfunction, filled with love renewing power of the soul and mind. In my mind there is a moving attention from discovering the problem to find a solution, and the soul sees a sore spot, and imbues it with unconditional love. This feeling of living in the present, exactly where and healing takes place - not in the past and in the future. 5. Forgiveness frees place in your heart for love. When our heart is full of fear, anger, sadness or despair, there is no room for the warm feelings, without which it is difficult to stay healthy. Love is connected with the soul, and forgiveness - with the mind; it releases the emotional charge that fills the painful thoughts - those that cause the victims behavior and make us lead a life of hand to mouth instead of normal and full. Forgiveness removes stagnation in the energy body to the information contained therein to flow freely, providing a link with the soul, mind and body to maintain health. With the right vibrations it eliminates installation and unhealthy fears occurring in the spine, toxic emotional charges in the organs, glands and muscles. It starts healing process and strengthens the immune system, and we become less susceptible to disease. 6. Changes - this is the only plan of action. Evolutionary journey - this is one of change, choice in life. This is something that comes from thought to thought. Changes transform our thinking and help to move from past to present and from present to future. The first step in the transformation - forgiveness, following it - love. When we forgive ourselves and our offenders, we increase the space of your mind to new ideas and expand the heart so that it can accommodate more love. When we get sick, our soul, mind and body are demanding change. They send alarm signals that something is wrong, that unity was lost between them - and all of this affects our state. Psychospiritual healing model proposed soul, reminds us that if a sick mind, the sick and the body. The only way to heal them - change thinking. Live - means to change; change - it means to grow up; mature - so whenever infinitely create itself anew. 7. Focus on what you want, not on what you do not want. Healing is consistent with the Law of Attraction: What are you thinking, and so you become. What you get, and think about. The best way to check whether it is well your thoughts, - analyze your lifestyle, relationships with others, and health status. If what you find as a result, does not have what you want, then change something. There is one common ailment for us all, sooner or later, the attacker in each life we begin to attract what you do not want, instead of what we want. The only way to stop this process - change it.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 18:57:56 +0000

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