1. You can be Jew and not be Israeli. They are not necessarily one - TopicsExpress


1. You can be Jew and not be Israeli. They are not necessarily one and the same. 2. You can be a Jew and an atheist. This is because selain agama, Yahudi juga satu bangsa. 3. Many Jews (bangsa dan agama) hate what Israel is doing, but they are getting targeted anyway. Stop this. Kita bukan Allah. The two wings of Islam, Abu Bakar and Umar (r.a.) were born not as Muslims. Kita tak tahu who they will end up to be. Better to pray for hidayah than destruction. Also, exhibiting akhlak Rasulullah s.a.w is better for dakwah (may Allah help me follow my own advice). 4. Hello Malay atheists, nice to see you guys rear your ugly heads in times like these. You pretend to be Muslims and go about spreading anti Muslim propaganda and pro-Israel sympathies. You are pissed with Islam because you have to pretend to puasa in Ramadan and cant drink booze in public, so now you write op ed pieces in the Malay Mail pretending to be pro- peace, rational, logical, and passing off your opinions as facts. And like a child, you stamp your feet and hate everything you deem is Islamic, such as supporting the freedom of innocents from genocide. You fancy yourselves liberals while the real liberals from the rest of the world are actually concerned with humanity and are, suprise! pro-Palestine. 5. While on the subject, Malaysians, you are either against or for the murder of innocents and children. There is no on the fence or neutrality in this. If you are pro-Israel or on the fence, you are ok with child murder. If you are pro-Israel because Muslims in general dont speak up when other Muslims or non-Muslims are brutally murdered around the world, you have rationalised the murders of innocents because of personal bigotry. Simple as that. So because people havent spoken out on other mass murder and atrocities around the world, you want to take revenge out on the people of Gaza? Where is the logic and humanity in that? Dont kid yourselves. You are a racist and religious bigot. 6. ISIS are not Muslims. Wait, I actually cant say that, just like I cant say Yahudi laknatullah. But what they are doing is totally unIslamic and Muslims, please speak up about it! Should I be surprised that their leader is CIA-trained? Should I be surprised they are doing this in the middle of the escalating pressure on Israel? Oh, does this sound like a stretch? What cant Israel and U.S buy, really? 7. Boycotts work. (Oh but the Malay atheists will tell you they are a waste of time, may Allah guide them). Anyway this is an issue too old and proven to waste my time debating. Try very hard not to judge those who dont give a damn. 8. I wont share links, but look up the photos of the atrocities on Syria. Read up on it. You need to look at it and be disturbed enough to take action. Some 11,000 Syrians have been tortured to death and I have to admit that those pictures of them indicating a slow, painful death was very hard to bear looking at. 9. The monks in Myanmar who are massacring the Rohingyas are not really monks, but are soldiers by training. No religion preaches violence. Also, guess which country provided training, arms and technology for their military junta? Israel. Surprised? Why should we be? 10. The best weapon is our dua. The best thing we can do is mind our manners and our prayers and our lifestyles, so that we become a people whose dua are accepted. Everything will fall into place in due time and we should not give up. We are all collectively responsible for the atrocities taking place around the world. If it happened to you and your kids, would you like it if everyone turned their backs, and say you brought it onto yourselves by electing the leader you did? When in fact, who you voted for had done their best fighting for your freedom and rights? No? Yet this is what so many of us are callously saying and doing. #freegaza #supportGaza #WeAreAllGazans
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 16:55:44 +0000

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