1 day a man was walking round his vinyard while he was walking - TopicsExpress


1 day a man was walking round his vinyard while he was walking round d vinyard he saw an egg nd picked it,he took d egg home nd added it 2 d egg of a hen dat was laying,when d hen harch d eggs behold dat egg was d egg of a dove, d litel dove grew up wit d other chiken,one day d litel dove saw fellow doves flying high in d sky she said 2 d hen,mother doz creature luks lik me let me try nd see if i can fly lik dem but d hen discourage her teling her dat doz creature r ment 4 d sky while thy r ment 4 d ground, d litel dove kept disturbing d mother hen day by,one day d litel dove tried 2 fly nd it went high d sky but was discourage by d shout nd cry of d hen nd chiken nd came back,wen d dove grew up d man whom had pick it said 2 his wife let us kill dis dove b4 it flys in2 d sky someday nd dat was hw dat dove was killed nd eaten bcoz of discouragment. Dear frnds tel dat person dat hav been discouraging u dat ụ can reach any hieght u want 2 reach nd stop being discouraged like d dove.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 19:25:45 +0000

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