10 Cancer-Fighting Foods to Eat Now!!! What you eat for dinner - TopicsExpress


10 Cancer-Fighting Foods to Eat Now!!! What you eat for dinner affects how you feel 15 minutes later, but it can also make a difference in the long run. Consuming more fruits, vegetables and whole grains is a smart plan for cancer prevention, but there are some foods that may give you extra protection. Ten items to add to your shopping list: 1. Cruciferous vegetables Raw broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower contain glucosinolates, a type of phytonutrient that can help kick start the production of toxin-clearing enzymes. 2. Grapefruit This juicy citrus fruit—along with bell peppers and oranges—is chock-full of vitamin C, which may block the formation of cancer-causing compounds. 3. Tomatoes Lycopene, the chemical that gives tomatoes their red color, is a powerful antioxidant. Studies have shown that it can prevent breast, lung and endometrial cancer from spreading. 4. Pecans Pecans (as well as walnuts and pomegranates) contain ellagic acid, a nutrient that research suggests inhibits cancer cell growth. 5. Tea Compared with those who dont drink tea, regular sippers (green, black, oolong or white all count) are at a lower risk of certain cancers, such as breast, colon, lung and ovarian. 6. Ginger Fresh or dried ginger has antioxidant properties that may aid in cancer prevention, says research. 7. Rosemary Rosemary contains carnosol, a natural chemical that has been found to potentially help reduce breast cancer risk. 8. Legumes Because dry beans and peas contain plenty of folate, a B vitamin that promotes healthy cell division and fixes damaged cells, they lower your risk for pancreatic cancer. 9. Whole Grains Foods like brown rice, oatmeal and corn all contain lots of fiber, which has been found to lower colorectal cancer risk. 10. Berries While all kinds contain ellagic acid, strawberries and raspberries are your best bets for blocking cancers of the skin, bladder, lungs, esophagus and breasts. The chemical acts as a strong antioxidant, neutralizing harmful carcinogens and slowing the spread of cancerous cells. By womansday
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 02:20:31 +0000

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