10 Ways to Improve Anxiety and Depression without Meds 1. Limit - TopicsExpress


10 Ways to Improve Anxiety and Depression without Meds 1. Limit time on all social media sites - keeping constant tabs on others or to promote a certain self-image, can lead to jealousy, insecurity, misplaced feelings of superiority or alternatively, feelings of inadequacy. 2. Live your own life - depression occurs when we feel that we arent living our own dreams but are instead trying to please our parents, our spouse, our children, or our friends. Your life is yours; you are the sole creator or destroyer. Take Control. Set boundaries or disengage with negative influences. Develop the courage to follow your own personal path. 3. Keep a journal and write in it daily - keeping a private diary or a written record of your thoughts can be one of the most effective ways of dealing with mood disorders. Writing down your thoughts and feelings can help if you are uncomfortable expressing yourself verbally. You will feel better and less stressed after systematically sorting through your emotions on the written page. 4. Stop comparing yourself to others – this leads to feelings of not being good enough. The neighbor or friend you envy for their fancy car or huge house or perfect body has just as many problems as you (if not more). 5. Take your vitamins – Omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) found in Krill Oil and a B Complex help with symptoms of depression and anxiety. Probiotics are also extremely helpful as proper gut flora has a significant effect on the bodys mood and ability to handle stress. 6. Talk to people, talk to anyone that will listen – do not go days or even weeks without having a conversation with another human being. The mere act of talking to another person, of opening your mouth and letting words come out, can lift mood instantly. Say hi to the friendly clerk at the grocery store, or casually compliment someone on their outfit, or just smile at a stranger. You will feel better instantly! 7. Set Goals and Keep Them - It doesnt really matter what the goal is. Whatever it is, try to work towards it, day by day, little by little. A life spent wandering aimlessly and without purpose creates a sense of unease and frustration, contributing significantly to feelings of depression and anxiety. Pick achievable goals that are easy to bite off and chew, and watch your mood lift over time. 8. Become more spiritually minded - reading books on spirituality can help us see the big, cosmic, universal picture and can help us regain a sense of comfort and mastery in our own lives. Pondering the big questions of life and coming to terms with the enormity and complexity of the universe may help us take our little old selves a little less seriously! 9. Make quite time for prayer or meditation daily - People who take time out for themselves on a daily basis, whether through yoga, meditation, reading a good book, daily prayer, or even a warm bath, often feel calmer and more at peace with themselves and the world. 10. Make a daily effort to CHOOSE to be HAPPY - Happiness is a state of mind that takes practice, effort, and vigilance. Happiness is a choice. We can either look at the glass as half empty or half full. Make a valiant effort to look for the positives in life. Information for the post comes from an article by Sheenie Ambardar, M.D. found huffingtonpost/sheenie-ambardar-md/emotional-health_b_1542521.html
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 18:56:05 +0000

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