10 facts about me... (Thanks a lot Jennifer Beasley Kizzar) - TopicsExpress


10 facts about me... (Thanks a lot Jennifer Beasley Kizzar) lol 1. I love God. (Even though Im not a regular at church.) 2. I adore my husband, my wonderful children, and my family. 3. I talk to my parents and my sister almost every day. 4. I am constantly battling my weight regardless of the amount of exercise I do daily. 5. I love doing triathlons, marathons, and any type of race. I also love spin! I guess it is in my blood. Thanks mom and dad!! ;) 6. I absolutely have the greatest husband (well my mom has a pretty great one too) in the world. He was hand picked by God and sent to me! 7. I have the greatest kids of all time. They are beautiful and smart and just the best mannered children I know! 8. I always have to be doing something. Either reading, cross stitching, watching a good movie, or playing a game on my phone or I will not be able to sit still. I think they call it ants in your pants. Lol. 9. I have the best friends that I love dearly. Some new, and some not so new. ;) One that I have had since I was 12 years old. 10. And last but certainly not least... I along with the person who made me do this crazy list heehee... I HATE CANCER!! With everything I have I hate hate hate this terrible disease! And that is 10 facts about me my friends! Please feel free to like away. I promise not to send you any numbers. ;)))
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 23:52:10 +0000

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