10 tips to improve your glutes For those females who are looking - TopicsExpress


10 tips to improve your glutes For those females who are looking to firm up there bum and athletes who want to train there glutes to improve their athletic performance. As for athletic performance when it comes to the glutes muscle. The size of the muscle group does not reflect its strength. In terms of the muscle, a bodybuilder would want a low muscle attachment to give the appearance of bulk. An athlete would want a high attachment as this would be a better leverage for running and jumping and to be more explosive For women who are interested in the aesthetics of the bum here are 10 tips to improve your bum 1. Lose Body Fat, Simply reducing body fat will make them look better. just as your start to see development in your abdominals when you lose body fat you can’t see your six pack if there covered in body fat tissue, so when your body fat is reduced your see the shape and development of the glutes. Many women store a higher body fat percentage in the glutes due to their hormones released. 2. Avoid Aerobics, The shape of the glute is influenced by its muscular development and aerobic training compromises its muscle development. You can still perform energy system training to help lose weight but without preventing the development of glutes aesthetics. 3. Train Full Range Of Movements, the glute muscles do not activate until there are a 30-45 degree bent in the knee so if you train partial range movements you will never stimulate the glutes so definitely train full range movement to develop glute strength by back squats, front squats, split squats, lunges, leg presses, and step up exercises 4.Use Resistance, The Glute muscle fibres are predominately fast twich fibre type so for best muscle development in strength and power it will be irrelevant to do exercises such as glute raises. 5. Variety of training protocols, for maximum gluteus development, in fact for any muscle group, you need to vary your training programmes mix up your reps, sets, intensities, and time under tension to work all your muscle fibre types and muscles. 6. Variety of Exercises, there is no specific exercise that is just for the glutes or works best for the glutes there is no such thing as isolation exercises such as glute extensions your actually be working your hamstrings it’s a combination of different exercises and a variation of exercises that cause the glutes to develop in strength performance and aesthetics, 7. Sprinting, Sprinting is a great way to develop the glutes but it can be impractical, But many gyms now have the facilities for Sled training so I would recommend overloading the glutes by sprinting a sled for maximum results keep a 45 degree bend at torso. However loading to much for runners can have a negative result as overloading sprinting mechanics can alter running technique stride length and biomechanics of running. 8. Correct Structural Balances, poor posture and a limited range of motion will affect your ability to perform and will prevent you building your muscle development In your glutes correctly, for example excessive tightness in the psoas, will restrict the movement in exercise that predominantly involve the glutes, such as flexing the hip. 9. Consider soft tissue work, adhesions and scar tissue often develop with training over time, so you will require to get some soft tissue work such as myofascial release techniques to prevent a built up of scar tissue and effect range of motion, soft tissue work allows muscle fibre activation of the glutes. 10. Be smart, many athletes have good glute development, or strong glutes in the gym when there deadlifting, but they don’t consider how there effect there athleteic activities outside the gym.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 09:54:03 +0000

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