1000s of years of ethical / philosophical wisdom. A few hundred - TopicsExpress


1000s of years of ethical / philosophical wisdom. A few hundred years of scientific theory and research, but will we continue to let the script of humanity be written by deluded classes of individuals? Will we keep pumping these people out of schools? Molding them with myths of consumerism / capitalism / hijacked social Darwinism? Those who have greatly reduced empathy are not born that way. It is an evolutionary deadend of selfish / short-term thinking which is at the core of human and planetary degradation. Communities of viscousness do not last if they are not sustained by multiple (and huge) control and entrainment apparatuses. The truth of good and bad, real good and bad for all has been apparent for thousands of years, in fact, for anyone with working empathy (a healthy brain) it is instantly recognized. Societies become increasingly complex and so stories are built up to justify injustice and gross inequality. These are not naturally who we are, they are not only who we are. Would any group of individuals (not following collective myths and / or comfusing mind and ideas for reality) make societies of such exploitation and misery as we have now? No, they would not. A 60 / 40 split of self-interest and empathy would manifest a much different world. This is not the only broken path that weve gone down, but it is threatening to be our last, because weve built industries and massive self-perpuating / sustaining systems (spewing out entrainment memes) that hypnotize a great many people, those at the top, in the middle, and the bottom of ridiculously exaggerated hierarchies. Its a bloody no brainer! Oh crap, we are less actively violent than we used to be, so things should be better, why do we have this environmental damage, class warfare and political discord? Because we havent evolved our minds / brains. Weve sublimated violence into idea violence, excessive control / violence / tribalism / hasnt gone away or been conquered because it hasnt been understood. Weve relabelled it to ignore it. Weve replaced smaller acts of violence with systems of violence. Things are hidden behind layers of seeming complexity, so the deluded / brain damaged can maintain their ideas / so the mind-idea-ego can find itself justified / mirrored in the society around it. It is a brain / mind in error! It is damaged and not opperating anywhere near its potential! We are stunting ourselves with ridiculously ideologies and control while shunning awareness! To be aware is to know ones mind, to know its limits and pitfalls. Weve gone down a road of mind where empathy has been damaged, our ability to empathize has been reduced! This is terrifying! This is an urgent issue, and what can we do? We can teach / encourage empathy. We can deny excessive consumption / politicism / classism - basically any ideas which create and sustain this ridiculous social error. The grossly rich are not to envied. This is a horrible virus that they are afflicted with, they need our mercy. Better yet, we need to raise our children so they know their own minds, so they are aware and critical of systems, so they have highly developed empathy skills. This is one way to evolve out of this deadend, in this way we can prevent future generations from being so afflicted by greed, pointless and mean competition and thoughtless destruction of the environment and other beings. Buddha, Jesus, a ton of other spiritually and philosophically advanced people have been saying this for thousands of years! Their teaching has been used / misused by religions for control, sometimes with good intentions, many times not, because the fragmentary nature of mind has not been really understood, and / or people have not put systems in place to protect against the control predilections of mind. To have empathy as a guide and to let it florish, one must be able to quieten mind, because all acquiring desire-fear springs from it - from it putting ideas before beings. In empathy-awareness there is no idea, there is no I, there is I-thou. We wince when another is hurt. We create idea-systems which sublimate / suppress being because of idea. The homeless man on the street triggers empathy, but this is blocked by thought. If done enough (or entrained enough) then empathy (at least the consciousness of it) stops. We train ourselves out of love-being into need-thinking. The whole system of consumer-capitalism is built up by and sustains this erroneous ideation. How bloody ridiculous! Can you not see this? Now we have science. Science is showing empirically (or it soon will) what the spiritual / philosophical have been saying again and again for thousands of years, mind will cut in here and say - oh but I need X, or this is too simplistic, competition is natural - but mind is mistaken and will throw up all kinds of ideas to try and retain dominance over empathy, idea over being. Idea is all mind knows and it clings to it. This attachment / labeling is a distraction from truth. Simple truth. It is always simple, we are. The pain of your brother / sister is your pain. He / she in ignorance. Thou in ignorance. Society will have hierarchies for structural reaons, for practicality. None are more worthy or higher to god than an / other. It is only in the technical that we differentiate between beings. If one falls into error (gets caught up in ego / mind / idea) then we help them out of it. We love each other. We are each other. This is not perfection as we are not perfect creatures. Mind / brain can be damaged despite our actions to prevent it from happening and to promote / grow empathy, but are we really doing this? Am I really doing this? If one is breeding-surviving while spreading these ridiculous memes of control-right and desert instead of (at least trying to) having (have) a balance of empathy, then one is doing more harm than good.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 01:43:11 +0000

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