#100DaysofHappy #58HappyDayHappyKay Love this talk from Thomas - TopicsExpress


#100DaysofHappy #58HappyDayHappyKay Love this talk from Thomas S. Monson. OK, so maybe this is way too long of a post for a happy moment, but... My husband asked me to do something for him today. He wasnt mean or unkind, but it was asked in such a way that I felt obligated to help whether I wanted to or not. The question felt manipulated to get the result that he wanted and not to give me the opportunity to say yes or no. As I was pondering this on my way to church I realized that I probably, unknowingly, do the exact same thing to others, especially my children! Aaaack! I had an ah-ha moment! I really need to work on how I communicate and what I communicate to the people around me and allow them to exercise their own ability to make a choice. I dont get to manipulate the situation to reach my desired outcome. Something was said at church to me today that made me feel awkward and defensive. I was feeling a little bad about it when I went into Relief Society,. The lesson today, taught so beautifully by Georgia Llamzon (is that how you spell it?) was on love and how love is the essence of the Gospel. It was so what I needed to hear. I can be kind and thoughtful in the way that I interact with those around and me, and I can be forgiving and a little more understanding of the things that are said to me, or have an impact on me. I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 20:38:32 +0000

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