#1064 Im a confessor of 1020,dear women yes gentlemen still exist - TopicsExpress


#1064 Im a confessor of 1020,dear women yes gentlemen still exist In this world dont underestimate of your self you are a Dimon in every gentleman eye you are the stars that make beauty in the sky and if that person didnt appreciate that then he is not a real gentelman BUT the problem is from you , you should showing him that by making him propose not bf but as your husband . And dear lover (guy) if you give everything to your gf what would you do with your wife that poor lady whos waiting for you . When I see the girls nowadays I thought that I will never have an honest and lovely wife But when I read what ALLAH said in the holy Quran (الطيبون للطيبات ) my heart relax and also you should .I never had girlfriend before not becuz of something not becuz im fat or ugly or lonely its just becuz that mabye I will leave her with what ? With heart broken why I should do that why I should be rude and so selfish to think only of me and leave that pure love. REMEMBER girls your like the sun that life will not goes on if your not exist . You are just princesses .btw leen I really do that I never made her sad or angry.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 16:04:07 +0000

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