11:11 JB Lewis To some people on the planet, the moment a - TopicsExpress


11:11 JB Lewis To some people on the planet, the moment a digital clock displays 11:11, something mystical or magical happens; some divine alignment within the Universe moves to a higher level of power, or so I’ve heard. There are many different ideas about 11:11. Hmm… Let us look at this collective figment that we call time and see if we can figure this out and determine why people place so much emphasis on time. Perhaps people have made a mental alliance with the numbers on the clock - that is, they believe there is something to it. Therefore, Spirit could very well use this method as a mode of communication, causing you to see 11:11, or 1:11, or 2:22 and so on. But let us investigate. A few theories are that we should make a wish, or that we are in the right place at the right time. I hardly think a clock has something to do with that since we are ALWAYS precisely where the Soul wants to be. Some believe that we have time traveled between the minutes of 11:10 and 11:12 and that is why we notice it. Since that one is the most fun, let us consider that one - Time Travel During any time of the day or night, simply by using a clock, I can time travel into the future or the past almost as quickly as pressing the snooze button on my bedroom clock. In fact, we already do it twice a year – during the Fall we collectively move our clocks back one hour in the United States, and then move it forward one hour in the Spring, all with the quick twist of the clock hands; this is essentially time travel since we are either going back to where we’ve already been, or forward to where (or when) we’ve yet to go. But this only occurs in some places. Arizona, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam, and American Samoa do not observe this time traveling notion that we have labeled as Daylight Savings Time. Indiana did not recognize this event from 1970 until 2006, but then changed their perspective when eight counties in western Indiana suddenly left the Eastern Time Zone and was placed into the Central Time Zone. No, Indiana did not move – it’s just that people that presume to be smarter than the rest of us decided to make the change. With one smack of a gavel or the signing of a piece of paper, an entire time zone changed. So how does the light know where to shine and at what time of day? The answer is – it does not. That is because the energy of the Universe does not run on time; there would be no purpose for it. Time is our human construct so that we can add a bit of synchronicity to the activities of our lives. That is it. Energy does not wait for 11:11 to pop up on a clock before something should be noticed or that something grand is on the way. Grandness just happens consistently without provocation. We could get all into the aspects of the 24 time zones made standard by the Coordinated Universal Time agreement for the globe to keep us all in sync; but then what about time zones that are adjusted for the convenience and desires of local populations where borders don’t align with the 24 slices of the time grid; or how India and China only use one time zone, as compared to Russia and the United States’ multiple ones; or what about the International Date Line? This idea alone shows how arbitrary time really is. So why do people have such a superstitious hold on 11:11? And would this power up phase of time mean as much to them if we only had the use of a sundial to tell time? Were there no spiritual awakenings during those days? Huh? As far as can be reasoned, time plays no part in the function of Energy since a time clock follows a restrictive outline, while Energy is free and unbounded, and needs no device to feel awakened, to notice a larger event unfolding, or to accept the blessings of a deity in its day. Even though our life Energy operates intelligently, Energy does not utilize the concept of time since that would require Energy to make decisions on (when) to do something. That type of judgment is not implemented since Energy creates without prejudice and makes no determination on whether or not the (time) is right to put any particular thing into motion. Energy creates because it (can) and because nothing exists to regulate it or stop it. Time is not a thing of itself, leaving only the idea that everything already exists within One Singular Moment; that is to say, all things exist All At Once. Try this simplistic way to look at it using what we can verify physically. We live on the Earth, and we can plainly see that everything about the Earth already exists. Everything comes out of the Earth and back into it again, in a cycle; or should I say, a (re-cycle). Nothing new is ever added because it is part of a closed environment called the Universe. Part of the Earth isn’t under construction – all of it is here now, created from that which already existed in a complete Universe. Dust, gas, gravity, and other elements that have been a part of the Universe since Its inception, swirled together until a conglomerate of material formed a larger, more solid mass. Everything that will ever be made will come from what already exists within the realm of the Universe, whether it be from that which already exists as physical, or that which immerses from the completeness of the ether. Now, scientists will say that the Earth was created over a span of billions of years, but years are merely our understanding of the process because our brains have not been taught how to understand something that occurs from a realm of one eternal moment. The only way to understand the concept of One Moment for all things is to forget all that you know about time. That is, pretend that you have never heard of a clock or a calendar and then see where your mind takes you. When you take this leap, you may see that using time means you would grow old – but you cannot. You are without age, or immortal, which could not be the case if time were a real thing. Even your physical appearance could live indefinitely, being flawless in every way; but because the body absorbs its environment, it is forced to respond accordingly, completing the illusion that time has passed and made you older. However, if we could somehow remain toxin free, internally and externally, degradation would not find us. But the truth is, time never passes or goes anywhere because it isn’t a thing that can move, except in our imagination of it. The Sun is not forced to move because the hands of some Super-Clock are ticking someplace. The light shines all the time without delay or interruption because the Sun does not understand time. Moreover, either do radio waves; for in their lack of the understanding of time, signals can be broadcast from the other side of the International Date Line (which means the signal left tomorrow), and are listenable by me (Today) in the United States through the internet or by satellite. By the rules of time, I should not be able to hear that signal until 24 hours later. Additionally, Energy does not migrate because the number one appears consecutively on a digital display. Time and the numbers used for it are absolutely meaningless, except when using the paradigm to coordinate productivity among us. The clock cannot tell you your destiny; it does not mean something great is going to happen because you glanced at a clock the very moment that the image showed 11:11. The entire mystery of the 11:11 theology is entertaining, for sure; but heres what I think. Everything that is special, magnificent, divine, and magical is displayed by you, not a clock. Time is not real, but you are. Time is restricted and can only be displayed in a linear perspective; but you are unlimited and can be displayed in multiple perspectives. Time cannot tell you anything about yourself that shouldn’t already be apparent. Perhaps once humanity stops looking outside of itself for the divine, the sooner we will actually see (heaven on Earth). But then, all of this is just my opinion.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 20:50:28 +0000

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