11 facts about my pregnancy. Like my status for a number. :) 1. I - TopicsExpress


11 facts about my pregnancy. Like my status for a number. :) 1. I found out I was pregnant at 5 weeks to the day. 2. I ran in to our bedroom screaming and crying and jason thought something terrible happened. (Lol) 3. I wanted a boy, until the ultrasound tech told its a girl! Ahh sugar and spice and everything nice! I was stoked! 4. We never picked out another girl name. She was Ava Marie from the start. 5. I loved being pregnant and I was never sick once. 6. She was due feb 4 2013 which was two years to the day Jason had surgery. (I always thought that was super cool) 7. I labored for over 13 hours and I did 7 with no meds. And I truly dont think contractions were terrible. I dealt with them well. 8. I had a c section and have never been more terrified in my life. 9. They had me so drugged up I told my family I was on a magic carpet ride. (What the....) 10. She was the most beautiful, perfect baby I had ever seen. 11. She is the best thing in the world. We tried hard for her and went through a lot and she is a true miracle baby from God. I love her so much and pray for her often.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Dec 2013 06:48:54 +0000

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