1107 0955 -- A FABULOUS CHINESE MILITARY PARADE AND WORLD PEACE . Say what you will -- this is grandeur on a huge scale. Its a magnificent parade -- and the Chinese people look proud of what they have achieved -- in their own way -- and rightfully so. Another great people of the earth doing the best they can under their circumstances. . 1. I look at the beautiful faces of those young men and women marching proudly in review -- glorious fellow humans, all -- and I hope that this power never has to go up against the U.S. or any nations -- it would be such a waste to kill them and have them kill ours. A setback for us all. War is surprising by nature -- and harder and harder to justify when communications and human understanding have never been better -- and are improving all the time. Humanity is growing up. . 2. The only enemies China and the US should ever need to face are those who make civilization the target of their destructive ideas. We are permanent neighbors on this small planet -- we may as well become the best of friends -- AND MUST BECOME AND REMAIN FRIENDS. . 3. We have much bigger, more vital, and constructive things to do -- that must be done in complete harmony -- as ONE GREAT SPECIES OF LIFE. Such as reaching for the stars, together, within a wondrously abundant, but viciously hazardous universe -- which can kill us all (even without warning) or enrich human life, completely. No single nation or small group of them can do this, alone -- we need almost everyone involved. When we land on other worlds, we have to do so as humans, not as nationalists. . 4. Grow or die -- those are the persistent challenges we must face -- as individuals, nations, and a single species. Our next most logical, inescapable global mission (as we unify) is, surely, to colonize the universe. If we ever need to escape this planet or else face going extinct -- how can we accomplish this without being as unified as we can become? . 5. Are we worthy to survive and mature into something even more remarkable than we now are? I think so -- but we have to PROVE IT. We have no sensible alternative but to continue to come together as we are doing -- as technology and our maturation increasingly converts the impossible into reality -- and deepens our understanding of the terrible dangers we are in -- in a world which must either be our stepping stone to other worlds -- or our only grave. . 6. Human life is ONE great chain-reaction which began with the VERY FIRST HUMANS and will continue until THE VERY LAST have died. We are so interdependent, as our every act or omission affects that chain-reaction, for better or worse. Everyone matters. Everyone who is rational is compelled to seek better days. And the best days are the promise of peace. . 7. The world would be a far different place, had any one of us never been born. And we would be in catastrophic error, if we underestimate and waste each others enormous potential to make the precious life-experience the treasure it can and should be. https://youtube/watch?v=zVhzu7iIgtY
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 17:55:58 +0000

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