12-OCT-13 DELHI SATSANG .... baba g speak for 15 mints .. In - TopicsExpress


12-OCT-13 DELHI SATSANG .... baba g speak for 15 mints .. In sprituality we need 2 understand few terms instead of making our own interpretations one of the term is KARMA now what is karma .? the actions we perform which have actions and reaction too..many of us thought good karamas balance our bad karmas which we perform earlier its our mistake as shall we sow as shall we reap we are here due the seeds we sow earlier we made a conduvice environment that someone derth our karmas derth our responsibilties...no one can take or give u their karmas parents cant take their childrens karmas and children cant give their karmas to parents Mystic come so thst u realise ..not to take our karmas for example if 40 poor chickens are slaughtered for teatime that doesnt we take birth in the form of 40 chickens but we suffer the pain which it has suffer while slaughted....in world nothing is free u have to pay for every thing...we are here due the seeds of karmas we sow earlier and get its fruit in this way.. Hujur used to say if we sow the seeds of chillies how can we get the fruit of mango to get mango first we have to sow mango plant.nobody is perfect if we are have only +ve kramas then nobody of us are here . we have to take the mix of both +ve & -ve.. now with karma dharma too attached here dhrama is the responsiblity which is cause by our actions . our faith is so shivering.it is shaky if any adversory happens we start blaming . there must first be self realisation before God realisation.. if i said that this sweet is the most sweetish in world due to respect U may nod your heads but there is awlays a doubt untill we taste .so we should meditate first it only solve all our problem ..... Radha Soami ji
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 15:58:13 +0000

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