12 Reasons Why We Pray. 1. Gods Word Calls Us to - TopicsExpress


12 Reasons Why We Pray. 1. Gods Word Calls Us to Pray. Prayer is an act of obedience. God calls us to pray and we must respond. 2. Jesus Prayed Regularly. Why did Jesus pray? One reason he prayed was as an example so that we could learn from him. 3. Prayer is How We Communicate with God. Prayer is not just about asking for Gods blessings – though we are welcome to do so – but it is about communication with the living God. Without communication, relationships fall apart. So, too, our relationship with God suffers when we do not communicate with Him. 4. Prayer Allows us to Participate in Gods Works. Prayer, for instance, helps others know the love of Jesus. Prayer can clear human obstacles out of the way in order for God to work. It is not that God cant work without our prayers, but that He has established prayer as part of His plan for accomplishing His will in this world. 5. Prayer Gives us Power Over Evil. Can physical strength help us overcome obstacles and challenges in the spiritual realm? No, For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 6:12). But in prayer even the physically weak can become strong in the spiritual realm. As such, we can call upon God to grant us power over evil. 6. Prayer is Always Available. This point is covered separately in another article. But, in short, another reason to pray is because prayer is always available to us. Nothing can keep us from approaching God in prayer except our own choices (Psalm 139:7; Romans 8:38-39). 7. Prayer Keeps us Humble Before God. Humility is a virtue God desires in us (Proverbs 11:2; 22:4; Micah 6:8; Ephesians 4:2; James 4:10). Prayer reminds us that we are not in control, but God is, thus keeping us from pride. 8. Prayer Grants us the Privilege of Experiencing God. Through prayer we obtain an experiential basis for our faith. We do not ignore the intellect or reasons for faith, but prayer makes our experience of God real on an emotional level. 9. Answered Prayer is a Potential Witness. If our prayer is answered, it can serve as a potential witness for those who doubt. 10. Prayer Strengthens the Bonds Between Believers. Prayer not only strengthens our relationship with God, but when we pray with other believers, prayer also strengthens the bonds between fellow Christians. 11. Prayer Can Succeed Where Other Means Have Failed. Have all your options been exhausted? Prayer can succeed where other means have failed. Prayer should not be a last resort, but our first response. But there are times when sincere prayer must be offered in order to accomplish something. 12. Prayer Fulfills Emotional Needs. Do we need God through prayer? Yes! We were made to function best, emotionally, in a prayerful relationship with God. As I assure you of my prayers dear congregation, I also request you to pray for me. Do have a blessed evening.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 15:57:23 +0000

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