12th October 2014 – The Kimbanguist community worldwide is - TopicsExpress


12th October 2014 – The Kimbanguist community worldwide is having one its greatest celebration of the year as we are commemorating the death of PAPA SIMON KIMBANGU and the birth of PAPA SIMON KIMBANGU KIANGANI on the very same day in 1951 – 63 years ago. Following his holy ministry in Nkamba – PAPA SIMON KIMBANGU had been jailed after an unfair trial where he was given a death penalty on 3rd October 1921 which was later changed into a life sentence in prison. In 1951, he had then spent 30 years in prison in Lubumbashi. In the morning of the 4th October 1951, PAPA SIMON KIMBANGU came out of his prison cell and said that he would no longer return to prison because he had done his time. Nothing that his prison guards said, even threats, changed his mind. Then mysteriously he became very sick and had to be taken to the prison hospital. There he explained that he was to die very soon, after being prompted he even revealed the day and the time – the 12th October at 3pm. Seeing that his condition was stable and that he could still talk, during that week, roman catholic priests and nuns came to talk to him, trying to convince him to accept to be baptised and to confess that his ministry was wrong. But he refused several times. He gave a lot of advice, ‘Be good Christians, serve God and pray constantly’ to the soldiers guarding him who had ended up befriending him. And as he had predicted, at 3pm – PAPA SIMON KIMBANGU hit softly on both sides of his chest three times and passed. During the autopsy, the medical staff saw that there were no vital organs in his body –no heart, no liver, no lung or intestine – they wondered how he could live in such manner. They buried him quickly the very next day early in the morning and very few people could attend. As the news spread, the colonials were very happy because they were finally rid with SIMON KIMBANGU. However, as they were celebrating, he appeared to them and they all ran away. Others saw him in a camp with his bible. PAPA SIMON KIMBANGU appeared to his followers relegated in Lowa in July 1952, they did not recognise him immediately. He spent some days with them, exhorted them and then ascended to heaven under their eyes. PAPA SIMON KIMBANGU has been seen by a lot of people all around the world both in vision and in the flesh. (...). On 12th October 1951, in Nkamba, PAPA DIALUNGANA KIANGANI (PAPA SIMON KIMBANGU’s 2nd son) and his wife MAMA KIWASISILUA had their first son, they named him SIMON KIMBANGU. His family would always call him TATA (Father); he spent his childhood in Nkamba and studied to become a mechanic; his fathers, PAPA KISOLOKELE, PAPA DIALUNGANA and PAPA DIANGIENDA, would always refused to let him go and study further in Europe although it was the case for many young Africans in the 1960s and 1970s. He was active in the church – conductor of FLUKI. As a young man, he was of a calm and wise nature. In 1978, he spent some time in Brazzaville where amazing things happened, he started making miracles, healing people, exhortations, and a lot of songs were revealed – many testimonies reported that during that spell, the atmosphere was similar to the one in Nkamba in 1921. Nonetheless PAPA DIANGIENDA stopped it and made him understand that it was not the time yet. From the early 1990s PAPA SIMON KIMBANGU KIANGANI returned to live permanently in Nkamba besides his ageing father. Gradually he started to replace PAPA DIALUNGANA who was spiritual leader from 1992, in official duties. PAPA DIANGIENDA had predicted that his father would inaugurate the temple of Lubumbashi and transfer the remains of MAMA KINZEMBO from Boma (where she had been relegated) to Nkamba. In 1999, PAPA DIALUNGANA sent PSKK for both events among others but it did not mean so much for many. When PAPA DIALUNGANA passed in 2001, all the grandchildren of PAPA SIMON KIMBANGU gathered to decide who would be the next Spiritual Leader. PAPA SKK was not part of the debates but was chosen on the ground that he was the eldest male, it was also the choice of the 3FATHERS (‘BA MVUALA’). Since 2001, PAPA SIMON KIMBANGU KIANGANI has led the church in a sensible manner with a lot of focus on his duties and with the respect of what the 3FATHERS had undertaken for the church regardless of the attitudes adopted by many people including his siblings(the children of PAPA KISOLOKELE and most of PAPA DIANGIENDA’s children) who since 2002 have clearly shown their oppositions to the orientations taken by the church and left along with other followers. PAPA SIMON KIMBANGU KIANGANI has, for his part, openly stated that he was the HOLY SPIRIT and that he was there in order to fulfil the divine promises. He has led many projects in the church which have great impact on a spiritual level. Today Nkamba is changing and transforming constantly, the Spiritual leader’s priority is to make it a place where there will be accommodation not only for the Kimbanguists but also for all the people coming to visit as more and more around the world have heard of (or seen) PAPA SIMON KIMBANGU and wish to see his land. He is predicting great changes in the world, shifts of power. And he is asking us to be strong in prayers, to live accordingly to the divine law and to do the work without letting ourselves being distracted. PAPA SIMON KIMBANGU KIANGANI is going forward – let us follow him. --- HAVE A GREAT CELEBRATION – BE BLESSED.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 11:26:57 +0000

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