13 Things you might not know about me... 1. Not a fan of - TopicsExpress


13 Things you might not know about me... 1. Not a fan of ketchup. Prefer malt vinegar or tartar sauce on my fries. If my burger from Mickey Ds comes with it, or a recipe calls for it, thats fine. But I wont put it on anything else, including a burger I make for myself. Same with ketchup, I dont use sugar in anything but a recipe. And I never, ever will use artificial sweeteners. Keep it natural, please! 2. Coffee all the time, but I do prefer hot tea in the winter months and iced tea in the summer. And I dislike flavored coffee/tea/water. Straight up, please! Oh...and Coke! Never, ever, ever Pepsi. 3. I didnt have many friends growing up. Didnt belong to any cliques in school. I was kinda shy and introverted, actually. I was also barely five feet tall and a hundred pounds when I graduated from high school. I can blame the Navy and EMS for breaking loose, so to speak. Nowadays, you usually cant get me to shut up. :D 4. Dont have any phobias that I know of. Nothing that Ill go screaming and running away from. Still, Im not real big on jumping out of a perfectly good airplane. 5. Im pretty handy to keep around. I used to take apart things just because I could. And put them back together again. Without any parts left over. I also had an Erector Set, Lincoln Logs and Legos as a kid. Probably what predestined me to be a Machinists Mate in the Navy. 6. Im handy with pretty much any tool I can think of. See number 5. Ill thank Dad for that. Always encouraged us to get our hands dirty. 7. Ive learned more about history (American/World) outside of high school than I ever did while I was in. And most other subjects for that matter. Doesnt matter the topic, Ill learn it if Im interested. Learn something new every day. Its a good motto to follow. 8. I used to suck at math and algebra and geometry and trigonometry and calculus. Even came close to failing math in Junior High. Then the light came on... I might be a little rusty on my calculus. Thank you to Mr. Kopas and Mrs. MacDonald for putting me on the path. 9. The first computer I saw and used was the Radio Shack TRS-80 in grade school. It used a tape cassette for storage. By the time I left grade school, I was teaching the teachers how to use it. And so began my interest in computers. 10. I came into this world bass-ackwards. That might explain a few things! :D 11. My brother Dave and I both had Hodgkins Lymphoma. Dave when he was a teenager, myself four years ago. My oncologist told me that the chances of that happening (both of us having Hodgkins) were close to both of us picking random numbers in the lotto (Powerball, etc.) and each of us winning on the same drawing. Statistically impossible. But here we are. :D 12. I am blessed with a great family on both sides of my family. I am also blessed and honored to be the adopted son of several other families: Darovitz, Montpetit/Plauman/Burns, Tarnacki/Bragd/Bernier. I love my families and my friends. God bless them! 13. Last but not least, I am blessed to be Uncle Mikey. I have two bona fide nieces, Kinsey and Hannah. Love them to death! But I am equally blessed and honored that many of my friends children call me Uncle Mikey. And it has been a privilege to watch them grow up and be a small part of their lives. Callie Munson, Kayla Ryan, Kiley Hunter, Elizabeth Brendle, Nick Hunter, Lyndsey Wiegand, TJ, Teagan, RJ, Melina, Mario, Alex, Jackie, Jacob, Austin, Drew, Rylee, Lexie, Sam, Maya, Sam, Adam and--God forbid, my memory is failing me--many more. It is a bit humbling, honestly. I would never be the person I am today without them in my life. As much as Ive tried to help them and be a mentor and a good role model, Ive learned much in return. Im not gonna force anyone to continue this chain if you like this. If you so desire, Ill give you a number. If not--no harm, no foul. I actually had a lot of fun putting this together. Lots of memories.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 04:57:24 +0000

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