13 years on and the 1% are still pushing neoliberalism and - TopicsExpress


13 years on and the 1% are still pushing neoliberalism and globalisation down our throats at great cost to the rest of us. The TPPA is pushing the very same laws about corporations being able to sue countries as is mentioned towards the end of this video. Its pushing the same free-trade crap that has seen massive inequality rising throughout its entire history. They are relying on our apathy, the fact that we lead busy lives, unable to take the time to access the information for ourselves, to try and push it through while pretending its just not happening... Will we succeed in stopping it this time? Or are we already to far down the rabbit hole? We can do it, its been beaten before, it can be beaten again. Make sure you put your name to petitions against the TPPA and turn up to the protests against cruel budget measures that are designed for the 1%. And most importantly, dont vote for people who support it. (Abbott and Co) There are other ways of doing things, the world can be such a better place for everyone if only we move away from this self-interest, greedy, neo-liberal crap that has dominated the political scene for the last 30+ years. Do not believe the lies about how growth is the most important thing. Instead, listen to the science that tells us quite clearly that we should be striving for as much equality as is possible. For more info about inequality being the problem and equality being the potential solution: check out this Ted talk: ted/talks/richard_wilkinson#t-573
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 10:54:06 +0000

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