14.5 thoughts: 1) This workout is meant to break you mentally. - TopicsExpress


14.5 thoughts: 1) This workout is meant to break you mentally. When you reach the 15s, you will want give up. Dont. The end is closer than you think at this point. 2) Find a pace that works for you. I know that thrusters rip me in half, and I broke these up into 3s for most of the workout. This worked great until the set of 12s. 3) Dont look at the clock. The clock is not your friend. It cant save you. Just get through the workout. 4) A good one from Andrew: count during your rest intervals. This gives you a motivational timer to get back to the bar and continue working. 5) Use the burpees to rest. Keep moving, but this has to be your resting period, so dont burn out by trying to get through these quickly. 6) Stick to your game plan. 7) Breathe. Your anterior chain is under constant attack. The largest muscles in your body will be fighting for and depleting your oxygen, so dont cut yourself short by not breathing. 8) Go to your happy place. If you dont have one, find one. This workout is a drainer, and you will want some warm and fuzzies to get you through. Im glad its over...
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 04:56:36 +0000

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