14 BUSINESSES YOU CAN START WITH MINIMAL CAPITAL: Last year, 2013, we started this series by looking at 13 Business ideas for that year; this year we are taking it to the next level. I will give full start-up details including the financial requirements for the businesses that will make this years list. The businesses in this series are those that are suitable for the year…that is, businesses that are favorable to start this year based on current business trends. If you are ready, then get on-board the 2014 business flight. Welcome! 1. GRAPHICS DESIGN One skill I would advice any young Nigerian to learn is that of graphics design. Graphic designers have always been in high demand, and the business of designing graphics would continue to be very profitable. The demand for graphics will continue to be on the increase with the proliferation of churches; the need for business adverts and wedding invitation cards, etc. but these are not my main emphasis. What makes this business a major pick for this year is… You already know that the next elections in Nigeria would hold in 2015. As an entrepreneur, I ask myself how I can use the election season as a leverage to build a business and make money. Now, the elections would be in 2015, but all the politicking would start this year. Many of the aspiring political candidates across the country would want their campaign posters designed (some of them have already started pasting their posters) – here is where you come in as a graphic designer. Some of these politicians would also desire to take their campaigns online – you can be contracted to design their e-campaign banners. One thing you should note is that these guys are willing to pay good money so long as you give them a good job. If you are a good designer you are in for good business this year. You might be wondering how to get them as clients. Before I explain how to get these politicians as clients I would like to give you two major factors that must be in place for you to succeed in this business. a. See Graphic Designing as a Business The first step to succeeding as a graphic designer is to see it as a business. Many graphic designers do not consider what they do as a business, they just see it as a way of surviving which they are willing to abandon anytime. Having that kind of mentality about their skill is responsible for the level they are…being paid peanuts for design works. I tell you the truth; graphic designing is a business that can sustain you. Start seeing it as a business, and apply all the elements that come with a real business…branding, promotion, management, marketing, customer relations, etc. I have a friend who is a very good graphic designer; we met while we were in the university. I wanted to publish a book back then in the university and I also needed a place to be printing my business proposals. He was a good graphic designer and still is. In fact he is one of the best I have seen. We became friends when I discovered we had a similar mentality. After graduation from the university I relocated to Abuja (for greener pastures) to build my Consultancy and Information Technology Businesses. I then later encouraged my friend to register a company name for his graphic designing business, and if possible shift base to Abuja. He then registered a business name (because he saw his skill as a business) and started applying for projects in Abuja. After a few months of exploring the city, one of his proposals was approved. It was a magazine design and production job. He was paid handsomely. With this single job he was able to pay for a house in Abuja (at Area 3). He finally moved to Abuja and business has been very good for him – his challenge most of the times is time. I gave this story just to emphasize the importance of seeing what you do – graphics designing as a business. This is the first step to succeeding with this skill. It is a business, which is why it is listed in our list of business ideas for 2014. This takes us to the second factor. b. Build Your Graphic Design Skills People will pay you based on what you can do and have done, so you must develop your skill and be among the best in your environment. My mentor, Donald Trump got one very important advice from his father which has helped him in becoming what he is today – a celebrated Real Estate billionaire. The advice is “know all you need to know about what you do”. That is to say, you should be an expert in your field…know all the latest technologies and trend. I am giving you the same advice today. As a graphic designer it is your work that speaks for you. How to Get the Big Clients Graphic deigning just like any other service business thrives on aggressive marketing. To attract politicians as clients you would need to aggressively market your business. You would have to prepare your proposals with your company’s letter head and deliver them to target politicians. Any politician you hear of that is interested in contesting for any elective position, just package your proposal and approach him or his campaign organization. This is how you get clients. It is also applicable to other set of clients other than politicians. Do not sit down and wait for people to contact you. Go out and market your business. Do these and you won’t regret being a graphic designer in 2014! 2. PRINTING This second business on our list is much related to the first business we just discussed. Most of the designed works would need to be printed, especially the campaign posters. There is the possibility of combining the two businesses since most clients would want their works done by the same person or company for flexibility. So as a graphic designer, you can also print your clients work for them and get your own profit by adding your own commission fee to the amount for printing. Trust me, it is a good combination. But if you are not a graphic designer and do not intend to become one, then you can consider setting up a printing press to print the jobs that the graphic designers would design. It is like what Bill Gates set out to do at the start of his business…he knew that IBM, Apple and others were already in the business of manufacturing personal computers, so as a software designer he decided to provide the software that will power the computer systems that will be manufactured by the hardware companies. And today we know the story of Windows OS and Microsoft Corporation. Now coming back to our business, you are not a graphic designer but can become the printer of the works designed by the graphic designers. This business is very lucrative. Just take a stroll to UTC – the home of printing in Abuja and you would understand what I am talking about. In my next post I would provide details of the financial requirements for setting up a printing press – the cost of machinery and other expenses. Watch out!!!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Feb 2014 04:21:38 +0000

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