14-Point Code of Mindful Action By Stephen K. Hayes 1. I protect - TopicsExpress


14-Point Code of Mindful Action By Stephen K. Hayes 1. I protect life and health I avoid violence whenever possible. 2. I respect the property and space of all I avoid taking what has not been offered. 3. I develop significant relationships I avoid abusing others for selfish gain. 4. I thoughtfully express the truth I avoid the confusion of dishonest words. 5. I cultivate a positive attitude, a healthy body and a clear mind I avoid whatever would reduce my physical or mental well-being. 6. I communicate health, happiness and peace of mind to everyone I meet I avoid violent, disturbing, and unduly critical speech. 7. I promote harmony and positive momentum to bring the best in everyone I avoid causing alienation, doubt, and division among others. 8. I encourage all to speak purposefully from the heart I avoid the dull contentment of gossip and small talk. 9. I am as enthusiastic about others fulfillment as I am about my own I avoid treating others’ successes as the cause of my lacks. 10. I promote the enjoyment of life, and encourage others with my smile I avoid setting myself against the world. 11. I promote the search for personal realization of truth I avoid the seductive comforts of narrow-mindedness. 12. I accomplish what must be done in a timely and effective way I avoid putting off doing that which will benefit me and my world today. 13. I strive to be so strong that nothing can disturb my peace of mind I avoid the negative effects of worry, doubt, and regret. 14. I work to build love, happiness, and loyalty among all members of my family I avoid putting temporary personal benefit ahead of the welfare of those I love.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 16:16:12 +0000

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