#157 So. I hate telling people these things because I feel like - TopicsExpress


#157 So. I hate telling people these things because I feel like a crazy person as Im speaking, but Ill give it a shot. One of my uncles died about a month before my mom had me, so they named me after him. My grandmother, being heartbroken over loosing her youngest son, got a little carried away with the occult, in attempt to contact her son. Im not sure she ever succeeded, but Ive always been a skeptic and always try my hardest to find a reasonable excuse for anything weird that happens to me (for my own sanity). When I was a young kid, maybe 6 years old, I went on a hike with my cousin, my brother and an uncle. We came to ravine that we either had to jump over or go back the way we came, I was always the kid that would rather go home, but everyone else decided to jump, and I was instructed by my uncle to stay put on the other side of the ravine until they made their way back. I was a little upset because I wanted to join them, I was just too scared. After they had disappeared from sight, I got a split moment of bravery and decided to jump. I did not make the landing... I didnt jump far enough, I could feel myself falling in the ravine and the other side just out of reach. I closed my eyes and let out a scared scream ( I should have explained that this was easily an 18 to 20 foot drop) as I closed my eyes I felt a blanket of warmth covering me and when I opened my eyes, I was on the other side of the ravine... I could not explain it, and no one believed me anyway. As the years went by, we moved a few times and my mom and two brothers ended up in a tiny apartment in Arlington, TX. I was a teenager, and had started using cough medicine as a recreational drug, almost every weekend with my friends. ( I actually think this might have caused some delusion, which is why I felt it important) I kept having dreams that I woke up, grabbed a glass of water or went to the bathroom, or even went out for a cigarette and came back to bed, only to find myself already in bed... Asleep, connected to the conscious me by a tiny silver string attached to my forehead. When I awoke, once I went outside and found the cigarette I had lit in my sleep. There was also a weird reoccurrence, every night, my tv would turn on to static at the exact same time. I just always told myself the alarm setting on it must be screwed up and had long since lost the remote, to try to fix it. Weird things kept happening in that apartment, my mom would tell me she would wake up some nights to ask me to turn my music down only to realize I wasnt home, but my music player was still playing music. The cabinets in our kitchen would open on their own, all at once. That really creeped my mom out. Eventually I moved out as a teenager to a friends house due to personal problems at home. One weekend night, I was laying on the couch, listening to my CD player after everyone had gone to sleep and I was feeling restless. There was a lamp next to me, and as I reached to turn it on, I saw a man... A naked man walking casually from the hallway to the kitchen.. There was only myself, my friend, and his mother in the house. I went into the kitchen, thinking it had been my friend walking around in his birthday suit because he assumed I would be asleep, and I thought it would be a good opportunity to scare him but there was no one in the kitchen. I ran out to my friends room to wake him up and tell him what had happened. He seemed nervous as he went to the kitchen with a bat to check it out himself. After joking a few minutes about ghosts, he went in his moms room and grabbed a picture. I remember what he said and it still creeps me out sometimes. Unless this man was walking around naked in my house, there could be ok other ghosts it was the same man.... It was his step dad that had passed away due to an overdose a few years before. I have had a few other experiences over the past 7 years, and I dont know why it feels like Im the only one they happen to. Maybe Im crazy. Im married now, and have a kid. My wife is the only one who seems to believe me/ take me seriously on the subject. Even when one of my experiences involved her dead grandfather. (Long story short, he told me to stop making noise in the middle of the night when we were visiting her grandmother and we were sleeping in the living room)
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 17:04:47 +0000

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