16 years ago today this amazing creation came into the world at - TopicsExpress


16 years ago today this amazing creation came into the world at 6:39PM EDT. He gave new meaning to the phrase love at first sight. I remember the way he smelled, that wonderful new baby smell. I remember how terrified I was to be responsible for another life. I remember thinking how will I do this alone? I remember going home with him and those few days by ourselves and being so tired I didnt think I would survive it. I remember countless nights checking him over & over again to make sure he was still breathing. Flash forward a few years and I remember the way he looked when I arrived back from a trip and running into my arms. I remember his teachers at Mothers Day Out saying he was always the best dressed and best smelling child. Of course he always wore his best cologne! I remember waking up and no matter how diligent I was putting him to bed he always woke up with me-smiling up with his China Blue eyes saying he missed me. And I also remember each show of independence, each time he let go a little more and even now as I type this I physically ache. I am so very proud of the young man he is becoming but my heart breaks for my baby that is now only a distant memory I can visit only briefly from time to precious time. What an incredible journey we are on together. Happy Birthday Punkie! I adore you!
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 12:43:16 +0000

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