17 pots got planted by Mom and I late this afternoon. We used - TopicsExpress


17 pots got planted by Mom and I late this afternoon. We used some plastic dental floss picks to mark what was in each pot: (B) for beets, (T) for turnips and (R) for rutabagas. I have no doubt that the pots will get moved around and mixed up in the weeks to come, and it will be nice to know what we are looking at. Beets - 5 pots Turnips - 5 pots Rutabagas - 7 pots After a very full day with an hour of arthritis class exercise in an indoor pool, a short (2 hour) nap, and then planting seeds in pots with me for a couple of hours, Mom was ready to plant herself into bed for the night. I made her a light meal, as all that Mom said she wanted was a little something to eat and then to go to sleep, and I was ready to call it a night for her, but something was missing and I could not let it go by unattended to. This is Friday night and this is Shabbas. Before Mom had her meal, which I had brought to her in her bedroom, on a TV tray, I brought in the Shabbas candle holders and our prayer book. Mom lit the candles and said the bracha (prayer.) I chanted Kiddish. Mom then ate, and after benching the Grace After Meals, I tucked her into bed. The look of serenity and love on Moms face, when I brought the candle holders to her, is impossible to describe. We live a simple life, by circumstance and by choice. Doing a bit of Shabbas is an integral part of our life. Having been around my Rabbi Serebryanski for a number of years, and having just finished reading Rebbe by Joseph Telushkin, I am endeavoring to add a bit more to my observance of Jewish practices, even though I am posting this after sundown on a Friday evening. Little by little, and step by step. Sustainability, right Rabbi? This is enhancing Moms life, as she grew up in an observant family, and I am feeling more rooted in who, and what, I am. We started benching Grace after a meal a few weeks ago. There were a couple of dozen young children playing and eating a meal in the back yard next door to us. When they were done eating, they benched Grace. Listening to them had a profound effect on me, and on Mom as well. As I have long held in my work with special needs students - children are great teachers. It is up to me to be a good student.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 03:38:29 +0000

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