18 :30. Arrival of the president Michael Sata and his - TopicsExpress


18 :30. Arrival of the president Michael Sata and his entourage 18 :35. National anthem chaired by ZACOBO (Zambian Community in Botswana) 18: 40. Speech by Ambassador to Botswana, within seconds Sata interrupts and says how do you deliver a speech before praying when you a son of a Bishop? Bishop prays 18: 50. Speech by chairman of ZACOBO amongst other things mentions of PF and UPND having walked out of parliament in order to ensure that the constitution was not passed during RBs days and also complains of Kaponyas at Kazungula Border and all bus stations, also said all buildings need painting in Lusaka and then invites the President ( This speech might have made the politicians upset) 19 :00. Given Lubinda (Minister of Information) steps in before Sata and could be vividly seen that he was very upset with the ZACOBO Chairmans speech about the walking out of PF from parliament and said they did so because of the difference they had in principles hence people should get facts correct before making statements because ‘some of you are MMD Cadres’ and also asked the Zambians what investments they have made in Zambia, how much do they send every month to their relatives back home? He then invited the President – King Cobra 19:05. Sata- In 1970, I was the first Zambian expatriate in United Kingdom and not Botswana so don’t think it’s a great achievement to work in Botswana, can I have questions now. 1910 Questions- whats the status of the Dual citizenship? Sata: Which town are you from? Monze? Do you want to belong to Monze and Namwala? Because RB was from Gwanda in Zimbabwe that’s why he wanted Dual citizenship Question: it is difficult for us living in Diaspora to get land back home, what is the Govt doing about it? Sata: What are you doing in Botswana? Answer: I am a teacher! Sata: Go back to Zambia and teach your relatives then you will get Land Question: Mr President, you never consulted on the Ithezhi tezhi and Chirundu districts Sata: Whom did you consult to come to Botswana? 19 25 Concluding remarks- President Sata All of you who are here with fake questions am very disappointed with you and embarrassed, are you not even ashamed of yourselves? You ran away from Zambia and thought we couldn’t find you and now today we have caught you. You are refugees in Botswana being exploited by the Botswana Govt. You left Zambia to come and work here for an extra K1? Teachers You are busy educating Tswanas leaving your own relatives in Zambia uneducated and you are proud? All of you were educated by your parents who never even finished standard 7 and struggled to educate you and you run away from them? Doctors Your relatives are dying in Zambia you are busy saving tswana lives? Accountants Botswana has only 5 shops and you call your self an accountant when Diamond mines want a consultant they will call a South African and not a Zambian, what are you still doing here? Enginneers There are no potholes in Botswana and President Khama has told me that Zambian Engineers designed the roads, when you go to Petauke and Katete there are so many potholes where the same engineers come from are you not ashamed of yourselves? Some of your relatives in the villages have never seen a tarred road and you are busy designing Botswana roads? No patriotism at all Other professionals, Doctors, Professors etc When I choose Grade 2 ministers, you complain some of you qualify to be MPs and others Counsilors why don’t you go back to Zambia? I struggled for 10 yrs, you will also struggle to settle but once you have determination you will make it. We have about 2000 Zambians in Botswana but tonight only 100 have attended the meeting, imagine how Zambia was going to be developed if all of you built mansions in your villages but you are all crying for Land in Lusaka, you will never get it unless you go to Zambia, you even boast about diaspora what is that? Remain there in Diaspora, you went to Diaspora with nothing and you will go back to Zambia with nothing. You complain that it takes you 3 hrs at Kazungula border I wish you take 4 years there why should I be worried about you people who ran away from Zambia when my people in Sesheke are not complaining about Kazungula border I will tell the headmen to build more boats for ferrying you and not a bridge so that you spend longer hours and days! Act now because tomorrow will be too late or never comes. If you delay I will employ Chinese and Pakistanis and when you decide to go back to Zambia at your own time, the people who were in Grade 1 when you were at UNZA will be your bosses! I came to Botswana to officiate a school which is inferior to our own St Marys! Anyway I came here just to Greet you, Bishop can you pray we go 19: 29 Meeting closed. -------------------------------------------- In loving memory of Michael King Cobra Sata
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 09:57:42 +0000

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