18th March 2014 Investing Time and Attention in Marriage Do not - TopicsExpress


18th March 2014 Investing Time and Attention in Marriage Do not let friends, hobbies, work or any other things steal you from your spouse. In a Christian marriage, you are “one flesh”; each one belongs to the other, and that certainly includes time and attention. Since time is limited, when you do one thing, you cannot do another. When you act selfishly by allowing your time and attention to be distracted by work or hobbies you are in effect stealing them from your spouse. Do not give the quality time due to your partner to anybody else. Spend time with your spouse and give attention to the person you have married. Take the time to appreciate and love the person you have married. There are five identifiable ways that love can be communicated. Most of us respond to more than one of these ways. There are people who are moved by gifts; so when you give them a gift, it assures them that you love them. There are people who are moved by service. Assist them with what is important to them. For example, pick them up from the train station, drop them off, and open the door so they come in first. This all adds up to assure them of your love and care. Some are moved by touch, kisses, hugs and other physical demonstrations of affection. This shows them that this guy or lady really does love me. Some are moved by words of affirmation, so if you are a genuine poet and philosopher, you may do well here, but finally most people want quality time and attention in addition to most of the above. They want you to maintain eye contact when talking and not do something else at the same time. Listen for feelings and confirm them. Ask yourself, “What emotion is my spouse experiencing?” Observe body language. They need you to listen and refuse to interrupt. Interruptions may indicate, “I don’t care what you are saying; you listen to me.” May God bless and show us the way as we learn and apply these principles. Prayer/Affirmation: Lord, fill my life with all the wisdom needed for a happy marriage in the precious name of Jesus. Let my marriage be a model to many and a blessing to the world in Jesus name. Devotionals by Olalekan Fasina Lead Pastor, Ignitechurches One Year Bible Plan:Deuteronomy 31-32; Luke 1:1-23
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 06:53:57 +0000

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