19/7/2014. Jay Shri Krishna Now you know that information is - TopicsExpress


19/7/2014. Jay Shri Krishna Now you know that information is a piece of facts. The piece of fact is not the definition of truth. Knowledge means the information lived, the information imbibed. Vedas adheres great importance to knowledge. The meaning of Vedas is knowledge. Vedas doesn’t mean books. Books are but names only as is said by Sankadik Kumars to Nardaji in Chhandogyopanishad. Vedas means to practice the knowledge in life. To lead a life as preached by Vedas. What Vedas says? Vedas says: तत्वमसि ।(छांदोग्योपनिषद)(Tatvamasi- Chhandogyopanishad). That thou art. You are that. But just reading this will not make any difference, if you write down 1000 times, yet it will not make any change. Then what to do? You have to prove to be Brahm. But it is not possible for a person to prove as Brahm, but he can imbibe the attribute of Brahm. But Brahm is attribute less, and is perfect. So Sadhak must try to be perfect. Who is perfect? That who has no desires and no fears. Can Sadhak be desireless and fearless? Yes he can be. So this is first giant step. Sadhak must not have any desire. He must not have fear, too. Why we have desires and fear? Due to ignorance only. You identify yourself as a body. So body must have requirement, and requirement will create desires. You have always feared whether your desire will be fulfilled or not. If accomplished, then you have fear whether the happiness will prove durable or not? How this ignorance be removed? It can only be removed by knowledge. Shruti says: रृते ज्ञानान्न मुक्तिः।(प्रश्नोपनिषद)Rruite gyanaanmuktihi- Prashnopanishad). There is no liberty without the knowledge. How knowledge helps Moksha? Say you are sitting in meditation. For a while everything goes smoothly. But soon mind finds a way and slips away, and Sadhak doesn’t know even mind slipped. What is phenomenon behind this? When you are learning some skill, your brain is totally involved in it and thought process stops. But once you have fully learnt that skill, brain is not required to operate it and idle brain makes way for thoughts to flow. Say you are learning bicycling. When you are learning and if someone calls you, you don’t hear, because your mind is occupied with learning cycling. Man has only one processor. So when ear is listening, your Chitta is attending ears and all the other subtle senses keeps quiet. It is not that when your ear listens, your tongue speaks to second person and your nose smells third rose, and eyes reads fourth paper. This facility is not with you, as you have only one processor. But once you have learnt cycling, then your brain is no more required to attend it. You can do it mechanically. Now when you are cycling, your brain is free, and starts thinking. As river bed is formed by the flow of water, same way when thoughts are flowing in brain, the channels are formed in the brain and through these channels idle mind slips away. When you work but you are not present, when you are doing something absent mindedly, immediately your thought process starts and your mind slips away; this cultivates a habit for mind, to slip, to escape. It becomes the habit of mind. It is not that it doesn’t like meditation and that is why it runs away from there. It just goes. When you are meditating, it goes to office. When you are in office, it goes to club. When you are at club, it goes to temple. When you are in the temple, it goes to meditation. It just goes. It has no systematic channel of following where to go when. How to harness requires knowledge. More we shall take up tomorrow. May God bless you.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 04:51:06 +0000

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